The Geometric Jamboree
Citation:   Darpinion. "The Geometric Jamboree: An Experience with 5-MeO-DMT (exp90196)". Mar 1, 2014.

  inhaled 5-MeO-DMT (powder / crystals)
Sitting around on a pretty lazy, boring spring night and I got a call from an acquaintance to tell me that 5MeO DMT had been procured and that I should make an appearance to taste some of the chemical for the first time. I called a friend and asked him if he would like to drive out to the guy's house and take some of the chemical. He had absolutely no idea what he was in for, and I thought that was pretty damn funny.

We arrive pretty late - around midnight or something - and we decide to just jump right in! I didn't really know what to expect. I knew that it was completely going to 'snap my cap', as it were, but I wasn't sure how the onset was, how long it would last, whether it would be like the common tryptamines, or maybe even salvia (which has a similar half-life), and I definitely didn't know that it was going to teleport me into a completely different dimension. I had no clue that it was going to give me the most profound artificial spiritual experience known to man. Hell, I didn't even know that it was going to give me any kind of perspective changing experience. I just thought I was going to get high, hang with the boys and play video games for a while, and then head back to my place. Enough ranting... Let's get into it.

I'm not good with all the 'T-' stuff, and I'm not an astronaut so I'll just tell you guys to the best of my chronological ability. My friend, Paul, pulls out his satchel of DMT and pours a very miniscule amount onto a piece of aluminum foil. He had a straw ready so that I could inhale the vapor through it while he ignited a lighter and heated the bottom side of the foil. Frankly, I don't remember what the smoke tasted like too much. I just remember that it was chemical-like, and ya know, like a drug; but what I do remember was that almost instantly I began having very vivid hallucinations. I don't think anyone can recall a DMT trip with 100% accuracy, but I'll give it my best. There were tons of geometric patterns emerging out of the scenery around me. Pixelation, fractalization, and colors melting/distorting... It was all happening so fast. The room was rearranging itself in ways that my brain couldn't even sequence, or process, and all I could really do was witness this amazing display with complete awe and reverence for the power of the human mind when flooded with such powerful neurotransmitters.

So there I was, standing there...dumbstruck...not even trying to comprehend the incomprehensible. Paul looked into my eyes with a very urgent, and concerned look in his eyes. It was like he was trying to tell me something. Wait...he was trying to tell me something, 'You're gonna wanna sit down for this, dude...sit down for this, dude...sit down for this, dude...sit down for this, dude...' His words echoed as if we were in an immense valley. In a clumsy manner I turned around and noticed the couch. My safe haven. I sat down immediately, and immediately upon doing so I exhaled hearing the soundwaves leave my lips. 'Whhooooooaaaaa......' That's what I said. Whoa. This was the real deal. This was something I didn't even think a chemical could ever do to a person's consciousness.

After I exhaled the visuals - the geometric jamboree - intensified to epic proportions. On the internet today people use the word epic in a very loose fashion. This was truly epic. I could spend the rest of the day trying to convey just how epic this experience was, but my words will fall on, unless you've been there, experientially deaf ears. The colors brightened, the shapes and fractals became more and more intricate, the people in the room looked foreign as if I had never met any of them before. Not even that I hadn't met them, but that they were from another place entirely. Another dimension. The room now, another place, and not a place, just a melting pot of colors, shapes, and complex patterns was beginning to make my head spin. I knew that I was about to go unconscious, and that I couldn't hang onto this divine display any longer. So I let go.

Darkness. Darkness surrounds me entirely, yet I'm not unconscious. I'm aware of the darkness, but there isn't any mental chatter. I wasn't wondering where I was, but I wasn't wondering what had happened to anything, or anyone that were with me a moment ago. Just silence and darkness. It was ominous and serene.

Then the silence was broken by a single thought. My voice questioned the darkness with the query, 'I'm dead, aren't I?' Out of the blackness I received a response, too. This response though, was not my own consciousness. It was foreign and it came from elsewhere. It was a voice I don't recognize as my own, and it's reply was very simple.

'There is no such thing as death.'

With this being heard I became very peaceful. Prior to hearing it I was quite uncomfortable, and even fearful. I was afraid because I was sure at the time that I had vanished as far as a living human being on this planet. The events leading up to the darkness I was surrounded by were so intense, and scary, and overwhelming that I was sure my nervous system had decided to shut down. The voice was calm, simple, and welcoming, and that put me at ease. Perhaps this is what we experience at death. Some voice welcoming us and putting our fears about death to rest. I no longer believe in dying and going to heaven, or dying and being completely inexistent. I am pretty sure that I didn't die during my DMT experience, but the event was so similar to a near-death experience that I think it's safe to assume that we all go through something similar.

Something else that is noteworthy is the fact that as I was in communion with this voice in the darkness I noticed that a light would appear as I was speaking with it. You hear people talking about dying and looking down a tunnel with a light at the end. What I witnessed was very similar to that. There was a light that was shimmering and was reminiscent of a star in the night sky. It started out as a very faint point of light, and as I proceeded to communicate with it it's brightness continued to grow. This continued for what seemed like a very long time, but in reality it was only for about ten minutes. My friends told me that I was also speaking to them and telling them how 'cool' I thought they all were, but I had no recollection of doing this. They said that I was actually screaming it, and they were getting kind of mad because they didn't want their parents to hear.

When I came back to normal waking consciousness I felt as if I had just gone on a journey. I wish that I remembered more of the details to share with you all, but I simply don't and I don't want to lie about anything that I experienced so I'm going to leave it at that. When I came back though, my friend that I had came there with came up to me and with a very frantic urgency he kept telling me that we had to leave. He was so shaken up from his own experience that he wanted to go and take opiates to alleviate his anxiety. I however, didn't feel any anxiety afterwards at all. I felt divine. There was a somber afterglow that lasted about an hour, and I didn't utter a word about what had transpired on the drive home.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 90196
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Mar 1, 2014Views: 3,283
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5-MeO-DMT (58) : First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Mystical Experiences (9), Entities / Beings (37), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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