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Mushrooms, Salvia divinorum, Cacti - T. pachanoi, & Cannabis
by W
Citation:   W. "Mindslushee: An Experience with Mushrooms, Salvia divinorum, Cacti - T. pachanoi, & Cannabis (exp8848)". Jun 3, 2004.

T+ 0:00
  oral Mushrooms (tea)
  T+ 0:45 1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (dried)
  T+ 0:00   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 0:00 3 hits smoked Cacti - T. pachanoi (dried)
  T+ 0:00   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
We ate mushrooms and we saw shit. That became the mantra for the evening. It had started out (while we were sober) as something along the lines of 'its only a drug it will go away in the morning.' Fortunately this was not needed because no one 'lost it' so to speak.

The day before I had taken some oxycodone, hydrocodone, and then got pretty drunk (not a good idea) I don't think this affected my trip in any major way, but still worth noting. Also worth noting the guy who sold it to us had used some of the same mushrooms himself and told us he would give us our money back if we didn't 'trip balls like we'd never tripped before.'

We didn't ask for the money back.

We sat around with the 2 liter bottle of mushroom juice deciding whether or not we should drink it tonight, and after thinking about when else we could do it, we decided tonight would be the night. When I say we I mean myself, and my friends k & t. We were at k's house and began to prepare for the trip by cleaning up most of the stuff laying around in his room, as not to break something later. Also one must note that his room is practically designed for tripping, black lights everywhere, these weird rotating colorful light things, all these strange designs on the ceiling that glow in the dark and really show up with the black light, strange posters among other things, you get the picture. We pour the two liters of shroom juice (water that mushrooms had been boiled in) into a large container with strawberry kool-aid mix in it, shake vigorously, and we each get a glass. There was enough for another glass each, but we decide to wait on that to see what just one glass does, as this is everyone's first mushroom experience.

We finish our glasses and about 10-15 minutes later we start noticing a slight head change. (also note, all times are estimated, I was unable to find a pencil and paper during the trip to write times down and mushrooms fuck your since of time really bad) at twenty minutes mild euphoria and things start to look different, but no hallucinations yet. We decide to drink the other glass at some point (chronology of the night was impaired for me even the next morning, especially now, 2 days later) we go outside drink the second glass, sit around, talk, watch the stars as they are starting to do strange things. A short while, perhaps 20 minutes after the second glass we start to feel extremely blitzed, just goofy, stupid fucked up. Then k said he remembered where a bowl of salvia was in his room. He went and found it, and brought it back out and we all took a big hit and held it in. I giggled, my head kicked back and I closed my eyes, I saw all sorts of strange colorful patterns and after another hit I saw this strange squid looking creature that looked like it was trying to grab me, it wasn't scary, even kind of comfortable.

Just as I was starting to feel this thing touch me I came back to reality, well not reality, but closer to it than I was with the salvia. It was quite fun, little trip, but very short. We went back inside still in this same state. During this stage linear thinking is very impaired, conversations are all over the place and the three of us together take quite a while to find the phish video 'bittersweet motel' and get a blunt ready. But also at this point I noticed reality really starting to change, as we would check the time every five minutes or so thinking it had been at least half an hour. I also began to get these strange body rushes, almost like an orgasm, but not in a sexual way, just these weird rushes of energy through my body, I say strange, but they were also quite enjoyable. Things are looking weirder by the minute, those rushes start to last longer, and very mild hallucinations, at least in comparison to what is to come later.

Once we start smoking on the blunt the open eye visuals really start to kick in, I imagine it was about that time anyway, but I think the marijuana helped out too. At some point around this time t said he just saw the tv melt, so k and I are getting excited since that means we're probably about to get to that point as well. Parts of the room start to look like a drawing, (his chimney still doesn't look quite right to me) anyway I start staring at one of those weird glowing spots on the ceiling I mentioned earlier and it starts moving around a little then all kinds of crazy stuff starts happening up there. I don't have room to say all the things I saw in that spot but just to give you an idea, at one point I saw the joker, from batman, up there and then after a while it was this weird hole eating the ceiling and I eventually was drawn into its strange glowing green little world up there. Apparently I was trying to describe this to my friends while I was seeing it. This occurred several times when I'd drift off just watching some hallucination I would start talking about it, but I wasn't really intending to. Basically I was just thinking out loud.

At a later point we turn the tv off and k packs a bowl of dried san pedro cactus. We knew that you had to eat about 10 to 30 marble sized pieces of this to trip and we thought one tenth ought to be a safe amount to smoke. We'd never heard of smoking this cactus as a means of ingestion, but it seemed to work for us. K had tried this out a couple times and noticed some effects. So we smoke one well packed bowl. I think I took 3 large hits and held them in. Not only did this enhance some of the mushroom effects, but I could notice colors doing things they hadn't before and a few other subtle qualities that I believe I should attribute to the cactus. After we finish the cactus k packs a bowl of very high grade marijuana, nuggets if you will, this also is a great trip potentiator, not only enhancing both the psilocybin and mescaline, but adding another nice buzz to the trip.

A little later I go to the kitchen to get some water, as I was quite dehydrated (keep water around if you take mushrooms), as I was pouring some water into my glass I lit a cigarette that I had found in an ashtray and the smoke started to turn into a person beside me, as I saw it out of the corner of my eye I turned toward it and blew the smoke and it dispersed, quite exciting. As I sat back down in the chair I noticed I could make myself trip out on things by staring not directly at them, but by keeping them just off center or out of focus they would start to morph and after a certain point I could tell that it was time for me to look directly at it and it would still do cool stuff, but if I looked at it before this point it would go back to normal. After discovering this I entertained myself with a root beer can and my hands for probably about half an hour.

In retrospect I can say this trip was rather sedate and dream-like, allowing me to trip myself to sleep sometime between 4:30 and 6:00 am. Also very comfortable and peaceful not intense like I understand acid to be and not just strange like I know dxm to be. The only discomfort I had was a slight cramp just below my ribcage, similar to doing too many sit-ups. There was great synergy between the different drugs and the environment was very conducive to a great trip. Also aside from the eye candy and unique feelings and sensations this drug (for me) is quite introspective. Between my drifting off into these hallucinations I would find myself thinking about certain things in my life that I normally try to avoid thinking about, and I was able to look at them more objectivlely and figure some stuff out that I had needed to for a while. All that said I’ll do this again if the opportunity arises.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8848
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 3, 2004Views: 9,178
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Cacti - T. pachanoi (64), Mushrooms (39) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3)

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