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I Now Know What Death Is Like
Spice & Cannabis
by SA
Citation:   SA. "I Now Know What Death Is Like: An Experience with Spice & Cannabis (exp87863)". Dec 2, 2013.

  repeated smoked Products - Spice-Like Smoking Blends
    repeated smoked Cannabis
Nothing could have prepared me for what was about to come. One day after school I go back to my friend's apartment with I'd say 4 other people. We get into his room and he brings out three pre-rolled blunts and one joint of 90% 'Mr Nice Guy' and 10% Marijuana, something that in this area is called a 'salad'. Keep in mind that I've smoked Mr Nice Guy before this, and it was generally pleasant.

We smoke as usual, 3 blunts, 1 joint in constant rotation, puff puff pass, non-stop smoking for ~25 minutes. After the first I'd say, 6 hits, I'm beginning to get hit hard, very hard. It doesn't take long until the 3 blunts are out of rotation and we're sitting on my friend's bed, completely gone from reality, everything seems as if it's encased in jelly, and moving my limbs feels like I'm swimming in a pool of gelatin.

About 10 minutes of intense euphoria I start to get hit with some mild visuals. I begin seeing panes of glass in my vision accompanied by the walls seeming to be moving upwards. I feel like I'm sinking into my friend's bed. It literally felt like I was falling backwards, fusing into the mattress. My mom calls, she's outside. I walk out of the house to meet her. I sit in my car talking for what seemed like hours while I was feeling all of this. Speech is somewhat easy to control, but comprehension isn't. I have to closely analyze everything that's being said, and pinpoint my thoughts to come up with a barely passable response. The conversation ends and I'm back to walking into my friends house. It's terribly difficult.

Here's where it gets bad. It's about 30 minutes after the session and the room is cloudy. We're all awakened by a very, very loud knock on his bedroom door, it's my friend's mom. She storms in and yells at us to leave or she's calling our parents. So of course, we leave.

We're on the street in front of his house and walking is extremely difficult. The feeling of walking in gelatin is now accompanied by an extremely odd visual. Every step that I make, I enter a pane of glass, and until I make the next step, all I see is that one pane of glass. So I'm hopping around this rather big street going in and out of these panes of glass. I fall. I get up and my friends tell me that my eyes are bloodshot, this incites a panic attack in my mind. My thoughts are on overdrive, I'm having a million thoughts a second and I'm afraid of a possible overdose on this unresearched substance.

From my friend's front door to the complexes' pool is a straight shot across ~70 feet of street. Walking this distance seems like it's taking forever. Everything is slowed down 40 times what it's supposed to be. Everything I felt in the previous paragraph is intensified. My auditory system is pumping out crazy things; I'm hearing water dripping from a faucet into a bowl of water, constant dripping. We finally get to the pool and I fall into the metal gate, quickly recover, and keep moving.

We're inside the pool area, I'm walking around the pool and it's taking all of my strength not to fall in. It feels as if the pool has a vacuum that is pulling me down into it. I get to a chair and sit. I'm surrounded by my friends whom are all insanely high. I stare off into space and try to regroup myself, I tell myself that everything is fine and that I'll be back to normal in a matter of hours. This helps temporarily, but soon I'm thrown back into what I was feeling before. The building in front of me is shedding panes of glass which fly into my face and crash making a loud sound; something that I can only compare to 2 empty oil drums being thrown at each other at fast speeds. On top of this, I'm feeling as if I'm melting over the lawn chair and I'm becoming infused with the plastic straps that hold the chair in place. My mind is working on overdrive. I start thinking about recovering and if I'll be ok when this is done. I try and snap out of it, I try convincing myself that I'm just really, really high. I talk to some friends for a while, all of which are also tripping, this provides temporary ease on my overworked mind. I check my vitals, my heart is beating faster than I've ever felt it beat before. I'm sweating profusely and I'm extremely light headed. I start to focus on my breathing, I hear every breath very loudly and quickly it becomes a challenge to continue breathing. Every breath needs aid to inhale and exhale. I'm completely lost in my own mind.

I get up. I realize that I'm becoming dehydrated in this relentless sun and I need some water. I walk over to a water fountain, still bouncing in and out of panes of glass, the fountain jumps left and right, I'm stumped. My mind starts working on overdrive again. I analyze everything in great detail, then I analyze the conclusion of my analysis and so on, I'm going insane. Then I come to my senses for a second and realize I'm standing in front of a water fountain staring at a wall. I drink some water, I feel the water slide down into my stomach, each gulp feels like sludge as it moves down into my stomach. How could this be possible? I walk back and sit. I try and calm myself. I talk to my friends about what I'm feeling. I feel my heart again, it's still beating crazy fast, I tell my friends and ask if I should call 911. I come to the general consensus that I'm in bad shape.

At this point, I'm trying everything in my power to make this trip go good. Everything I've felt before is intensified yet again. The sound of the oil drums clanging is louder and I'm startled by a very terrible image. I'm repeatedly jumping off of a bridge falling into a canyon to my demise, constantly. Over and over and over I'm jumping and dying. As I hit the ground (always on my left side, in a semi-fetal position) I hear the sound of a television blip as it's being turned off, then black, then the cycle repeats. I'm constantly falling and crashing to the ground with the loud and swift *pzzt!* of the television shutting off. I'm scared for my life. I feel as if I've experienced death itself and I'd never recover from this.

I'm terrified. We've been at the pool for over an hour and now I'm terribly nauseated. I feel like I'm going to throw up at any second. I'm constantly falling off this bridge and dying. My heart is beating so fast it's literally one beat after the other, compared only to a metronome at 240 BPM. I fear for my life. I turn to my friends and I tell them that I love them. My face feels like it's spinning internally into a fruit roll up type shape, and I'm constantly dying. I continue to see myself falling to death, hearing the blip of a television shutting off each time I die. This is the single most intense feeling I've ever had in my life thus far, and it's happening to me every second of every minute. Should be noted that as I type this I get chills thinking about it, right now as I type I'm transported to that sound, this has messed me up for what I fear will be a lifetime.

It's hard to decipher reality from hallucination. I keep seeing myself falling to my death. I realize that I've possibly felt what death itself is like, the blip of the television being the last thing anyone hears right before they die. It's now shortened, no longer am I jumping of the bridge, rather from 10 feet mid-air to ground, over and over and over and over. My heart continuing the 240 BPM run.

This persists for about an hour. At one point I thought I was dead, blackness, completely dead and there was no coming back. Suddenly I can see life faintly through this hallucination. I look way over to my right, back to my friend's apartment door, I see people walking on the sidewalk that aren't actually there. I now feel something new. It feels as if my brain is melting out of my ears and down my neck, the trail left behind is very hot. I'm still sweating, my heart is still remaining a constant 240 BPM. It's difficult to stay in reality and not slip back into near-unconsciousness. My friends try and talk to me but I can't comprehend what they're saying, my sense of hearing is twisted beyond repair.

I get a phone call. It's a stuggle to get my phone out of my pants, it's a terrible race and I am now in a full on anxiety attack to answer the phone before it stops ringing to avoid suspicion. I get the phone. Mom-cell. I fumble with the phone and place it to my ear. My mom's voice is comforting, I barely make it through the call. I try and get up, it's impossible. It's physically impossible for me at this point to get up. I fight, still hearing the blip of the television and seeing the last seconds of life as I know it. I tell myself I'm fine, I utter the words repeatedly, then turn to a friend and talk, this helps. He talks to me in what sounds to be foreign tongue; he soon realizes what I'm going through. He utters the word 'rainbows'. I see rainbows. I see rainbows and now I'm starting to feel much better. What was a terrible experience is now a mixed stew of emotions. I give him a hug.

A half hour elapses after the 'rainbows' episode. My heart starts jumping in my chest, in irregular beats, jumping and pounding hard against my rib cage, then returns to the 240 BPM. Every 20 minutes or so it palpitates. This throws me back into an anxiety attack, back to the jumping hallucination.

Another 45 minutes passes and my mom is here to pick up one of my friends and I. We walk to the car, I stumble along the way but try to keep my cool. I get to the car, but I'm convinced that in the state I'm in, I'll surely give myself away. I tell my mom that I left something inside. I walk inside and splash some water in my face, on my way out I see my friend, I told him briefly what happened and he told me that he was in another world himself. I give him a hug and walk out. For the rest of the day I feel this anxiety attack, absolutely nothing was calming me down.

After experiencing death itself, I haven't been the same since. It's been two months since this happened. I've experienced anxiety attacks, heart palpitations, and wild emotion swings daily since that afternoon. It also changed me mentally, it showed me a side of life viewed by very few human beings on this planet. It has given me a new understanding on how fragile life is. Try this with extreme caution. Know your limits.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 87863
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Dec 2, 2013Views: 5,633
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