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Seeing The Patterns Of Life
Alcohol & Cannabis
Citation:   House Music. "Seeing The Patterns Of Life: An Experience with Alcohol & Cannabis (exp87811)". Jan 9, 2018.

  repeated oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
  1 hit smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Ok I am online every day at work and always love reading the new experience reports. I hate the long ones so this one will be as short as possible.

BACKGROUND: I am 22, Male. I'm a DJ at 2 of the most popular night clubs in NYC, Pacha, and Webster Hall... Needless to say I've had my fair share of experiences on many different mind altering materials..However, the experience that has changed my life has come from the most unlikely of all substances...... WEED..?

Let me start by saying I suffer from HPPD, so I cut back on practically everything except alcohol and a few bumps here and there of random club shit..what ever is around. Of all clubs and crazy places I've been to and seen this experience takes place at a House Party of local high school kids I grew up with... Most of which I'm sad to say I consider 'losers' that never really grew up and decided to move on and experience all this world has to offer...anyway lets get into the good part.

I got this party with one of my boys, already drunk in anticipation of a wasted Friday nite that I should have been out in the city.. Got to the party and started playing beer pong..... Got even drunker. Then, whilst being drunk I felt invincible from my HPPD and decided to smoke some weed.. And by some weed I mean.. The highest quality Kush NY could offer out of a Gravity Bong that was above all else... RUTHLESS...

TAKE THE thing I know I'm sitting on a couch watching everybody around me being stupid and doing the typical house party bullshit... My vision starts shifting..walls start breathing... My heart starts Anxiety.. WTF was I thinking.. Am I really that stupid to do this shit to myself once again???

THEN...Total peace.. I am instantly overcome by the most intense feeling of euphoria ... Unlike any MDMA or LSD or Mushroom could produce... This was not of this world.. My vision was Flickering like an old school projector, as I watched everything unfold before me I was convinced my mind was open to the spiritual realm that is always around us.. I was graced by the most INTENSE feelings of LOVE..

It is very sad to say that I can not remember most of what happened during this time.. But what I can remember is this..while sitting on the couch totally embraced by the purest love, I saw life clearer then I have ever seen it on any chemical or substance I have taken. I kept realizing that EVERYTHING is based on Patterns.. Life revolves in PATTERNS.. Ever wonder why you see PATTERNS when tripping out?? For a brief moment I saw Life in the form of a Pattern and no matter what it always works it self out perfectly and we are just along for the ride.. I also understood that Math is a very important aspect in life and holds more answers then our current 'Modern Age' can unlock. I had no Ego at this point, I realized that fearing death is so...Silly.. Because what takes place after is really what this world is preparation for..during all of this I kept becoming sad because what ever it was that was showing me this was also reminding me that I would not remember most of it.... And that as humans we are not supposed to know all of this.. That is why we are here.. To figure it out

To this day I get Goosebumps thinking about this, like many others have said.. Words will never even come close to describing what I felt, what I saw, what I understood....I had a full blown break through..... I believe this is partially because my mind was already open from past substances and the forces that be felt I was ready to perceive a glimpse of the grand design.... Its mind boggling how much is all around us at all times... And how our brains have been TRAINED to tune it out.....

Good luck fellow trippers. Your mind is the most powerful thing you have on this earth.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 87811
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Jan 9, 2018Views: 1,603
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Cannabis (1), Alcohol - Beer/Wine (199) : Glowing Experiences (4), HPPD / Lasting Visuals (40), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Large Party (54)

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