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Citation:   Mike A. "Robo-Itch: An Experience with DXM (exp8725)". Nov 1, 2020.

254 mg oral DXM (liquid)
One night, I was extremely bored, and I had read about DXM and was willing to try it. My friend also wanted to do it, but he wasn't around, so I decided to make my first mission a solo one.

At about 12:45 AM I downed one bottle of cough syrup, which I calculated should bring me to the second plateau. A good start for a beginner.

Thankfully, I am blessed with my father's rock hard stomach, and even though I felt a bit nauseated when drinking the bottle, I didn't have any nausea during the trip. I sat down after downing the bottle and watched some TV. About 30 minutes after ingesting I noticed I felt a bit lightheaded, as if I took a couple of shots of alcohol.

Around 2 AM the DXM really took hold, moving became very hard to do, and I was stumbling around like I was drunk. I felt very, very high, but it was different than alcohol or marijuana. I didn't feel the familiar pleasurable pressure behind my eyes that I feel when high on marijuana, it was more of a mind high. I stumbled into my bathroom, not nauseated but had the dreaded 'Robo-itch'. I noticed my pupils were very dilated, so I quickly washed my face and went into my den. Music did not sound that different, nothing euphoric that other people described. The itch was sometimes maddening, but it did not ruin the trip.

I will try to describe the robo-itch for me, it was as if my whole body was electrified, and if I brushed up against something I would get a slight itching sensation. If I itched it, the sensation would remain, making me continue to itch. But if I stopped, the itching faded within a few seconds, very strange.

At around 2:30, I was fully robo-tripping. Time seemed to go by very, very slowly. I remember thinking to myself '15 minutes must of went by' when it was actually more like 2. I remember having intense revelations about my life, and the universe in general, but I can not recall them now, a day after. I remember muttering 'the mind is everything, the mind is everything' over and over for a few minutes. I also remember looking at my hands, they looked so alien and complex to me, I thought to myself 'whoever designed these was genius.'

Thinking about it, those revelations came in a way I cannot fully describe. I remember thinking of everything visually, with no words, and then coming to a conclusion, also visually, but not. I never noticed any real visual hallucinations, besides a strobe effect that went on for a couple of minutes (could of been seconds, my time sense was all out of wack). After a while of laying there, I fell asleep, completely content.

Overall my experience was positive, and I expect to do it again soon, probably with said friend I mentioned earlier. I almost went into a panic once thinking I wouldn't every come off DXM, but I reminded myself of the DXM FAQ and I calmed down.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8725
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 1, 2020Views: 1,193
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