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Like a Lubricant for the Mind
Piracetam & Buproprion
Citation:   E. Lafoeld. "Like a Lubricant for the Mind: An Experience with Piracetam & Buproprion (exp86454)". May 28, 2019.

3.2 g oral Phenylpiracetam (daily)
  150 mg oral Pharms - Bupropion (daily)

I have had countless experiences with all of the most common psychoactive ranging from LSD, mushrooms, ecstasy, uppers, downers, countless pharmaceuticals. Of these my favorite and most commonly used would be marijuana and opiates (which I started taking for a ruptured disk and have been fighting addiction for, relapsing within a month after getting clean). I describe myself as a deeply right-brain individual with a creative “energy” inside of me that I must get out by means of artistic expression or I will become depressed, lethargic, sickly... etc.

I started taking 150mg of buproprion (Wellbutrin) a day about a month ago and it somehow, amazingly, enabled me to get my opiate addiction under control; or rather distracted my subconscious with thoughts unrelated to opiates (and marijuana as well, which I now smoke about 25% of what I used to) .

After much research and reading of experience reports, I became interested in piracetam. I started a regimen of 1600mg in the morning and 1600mg in the afternoon. For the first four days, I experienced subtle cognitive changes, but nothing I believed to be too remarkable.

I am a professional photographer with a rather busy schedule. I arrived at my studio in the morning after ingesting my usual 1600mg dose of piracetam and 150mg of buproprion. I was in a wonderful mood and very social with the few other people I worked with, even my humor was enhanced, making people laugh without even trying really.

My verbal skills were flawless. I was able to say what I wanted to say, when I wanted to say it without having to think about it. My memory was sharp, snappy. Not once during the day could I not remember a past detail with absolute clarity. I did two photoshoots in which I was connected with my subject and able to keep them comfortable looking at a lens. I found myself trying new poses, angles, and lighting techniques I had never before thought of.
I found myself trying new poses, angles, and lighting techniques I had never before thought of.
My usual routine was flawless - getting the shot the first time almost every time - and the new poses I was trying were incredible and came out looking incredible.

After work, I went home and immediately picked up my guitar. Now I have been teaching myself for nearly ten years now, struggling with constructing proper sounding melodies and manipulating sounds into abstract beauty. I feel that I somehow learning in an hour of playing what might have taken me another six months of rigorous practice. Somehow, everything just “clicked”.

I have also been a writer since the age of ten and in the 17 years since have produced three novels and several short stories along with countless poems and lyrics. Currently, I am working on two novels at the same time and all day ideas and images have been bubbling within my mind to broaden the content of these stories, and I’ve even thought of ideas of a few new stories.

In closing, I would have to describe piracetam as being like a lubricant for the mind, making things move smoother, easier, quieter. This stuff is incredible.

I would imagine that the buproprion has a part in my experience, but is it a small part, and definitely not related to the easy flow of consciousness I now have.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 86454
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: May 28, 2019Views: 1,489
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Piracetam (95) : Combinations (3), Retrospective / Summary (11), Performance Enhancement (50), Glowing Experiences (4), Various (28)

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