Nice Calming Sleep Effect
by Skyn
Citation:   Skyn. "Nice Calming Sleep Effect: An Experience with Mugwort (exp85790)". Apr 30, 2019.

  smoked Mugwort  
    oral Mugwort (tea)
I am 15 and have been interested in dreams recently. I read that the herb Mugwort can help lucid dream and have more vivid dreams. So I went down to my local herb and health store and picked up an ounce for about 2 dollars.

I went over to my buddy’s house and we decided to smoke a little bit of it. I was expecting a harsh smoke but it ended up being really smooth and actually quite pleasant. After we smoked it we were both feeling mildly high, more like really relaxed. We then made a cup of mugwort tea just to get a stronger effect, and with a spoon of honey the stuff tasted almost like chamomile tea. Shortly after drinking it we went to sleep.

I have bad sleeping problems, I stay up extremely late trying to drift to sleep, which is very frustrating but after the mugwort I fell asleep almost instantly and instead of just falling asleep I actually felt my mind slowly drift to a subconscious state. My body felt like it was melting into the sheets.

The next morning neither of us had lucid dreams but I did have a fairly vivid one, but both of us felt the melting into the sheets sensation which was extremely nice considering I needed the rest.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 85790
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 15
Published: Apr 30, 2019Views: 1,678
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Mugwort (292), Dreams (85) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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