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An Entirely Different World
DXM & Cannabis
Citation:   Yetmen. "An Entirely Different World: An Experience with DXM & Cannabis (exp8376)". Erowid.org. Oct 22, 2020. erowid.org/exp/8376

T+ 0:00
1 cig. smoked Cannabis (flowers)
  T+ 0:30 350 mg oral DXM (liquid)
  T+ 1:00 multiple hits smoked Cannabis (flowers)
I was at work the other day when my friend stopped in and told me he and another friend had just taken some Tussin. We had all done it once before, just a few days ago actually, and were amazed at it's effects, thinking that 'It's just Robotussin, it can't be that great.' When we first tripped on it we were amazed, and to say the least interested in doing it again. So I went into the back with my friends and smoked a J that I had been waiting the whole day to spark. When it was done my manager told me to clock out and I went home. I called my friends back up and they were driving around, and said the Tussin was just starting to kick in and they needed a place to go quick, driving was becoming very hard. I told them that I'd pick them up.

I couldn't imagine why they were so fucked up, I thought that I had been fucked up before but they seemed to be out of this world. We decided to go up to the grocery store so I could get a bottle myself. I bought a half gallon of orange juice and a bottle of Tussin Maximum Strength Cough for just over $5. I had heard that orange juice helps the nausea, it being an acid and Tussin being a base, and it helped extremely. I had about an hour to drive before the DXM would kick in so we went to meet up with some friends, but eventually just went to chill on my friends porch. I wanted to smoke another bong before the effects kicked in, because I had never combined anything with DXM before. After that bong, the world was not the same.

It was about 11:15 and my entire body was numb. I could only look at my legs, I couldn't feel them. I knew that judging by my first DXM trip I was going to be extremely more fucked up. The world had a red tint to it that night. The people we had met up with before stopped over my friends and we smoked some more bongs. It seemed like hours, but it was only 11:45. We decided to get up and walk around, but instead laid down in the driveway only a few yards away. Walking was difficult, my mind was completed dissociated from my body and the hallucinations were really starting. I got off the ground and got into my car to listen to music. That was when I went into the deepest hole I've ever been in. I suddenly couldn't hear anything in the real world, I just sat there and closed my eyes, I saw a white stream of light coming straight at me from complete darkness and I heard absolutely nothing. It was like I was in outer space, and there was nothing else in the world but this white stream of light. I couldn't comprehend what was going on, until I opened my eyes and realized that I was still in my car. I got out to find my two friends still laying on the driveway, looking into the sky. We went to the porch, where I became used to the feeling of DXM and weed, which completely overwhelmed me when it first hit me. The night continued with different visions and holes, ending at about 3:45.

I've rolled, shroomed, taken different kinds of pills and smoked plenty of weed, but combining DXM with bud was the best out of body experience I've ever had. It's almost too easy to obtain, in fact it is. I would recommend doing this to anyone who wants to venture into another world, forgetting about the real one.

I had no idea what I was in for.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8376
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 22, 2020Views: 1,706
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Cannabis (1), DXM (22) : Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), General (1), Various (28)

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