So Confused
Mushrooms & Cannabis
Citation:   JTrapp. "So Confused: An Experience with Mushrooms & Cannabis (exp83263)". Nov 18, 2022.

T+ 0:00
3.5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
  T+ 0:20 1 cig. smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
  T+ 5:30 5 hits smoked Cannabis (flowers)

OK so let me start by saying that besides LSD where I took 2 hits, the only drug I’ve ever done is marijuana, probably every day for the past year or so. After dropping for the first time, I was comfortable that I could trip and wanted to try mushrooms. Since my acid trip was cool but not that strong (I think it was just weak acid), I wanted to make sure I tripped for real this time so I ate 3.5 grams.

I go to RU and live on campus, and after my last exam for the fall semester, I immediately ate some peanut butter chocolate tastycake snack with an 8th of mushrooms-the first thing I ate all day. I was with two friends, Jay ate 2.5 grams while Bizz drank 2 grams of shroom tea, rather than the full 8th because they didn’t want to trip that hard. I thought it was funny how my friend Bizz ground up his shrooms in his grinder, making shroom kief.

So about 20 minutes after we eat them, we leave to go outside and smoke a cigarette. We ride our skateboards over to the gazebo where most people smoke. I start to feel nice, like really carefree. Everything appeared to be awesome and it became very difficult to land tricks on my skateboard. I knew I had to stop because I didn’t want to fall and perhaps fuck shit up. Smoking a boge makes the feeling even better. The trees and half frozen lake are so sharp and clear, it’s amazing. We leave to go back to my place to smoke weed, what seemed like a good idea at the time. We get back to my place and I first text my friends to see where they are because most of the time they’re there. After I figure it out, I turn off my phone because I don’t want it to put me in a bad trip.

I go to my computer to put on music while we pack bowls and what not. My friend Bizz packs a bowl first and takes a hit. I decide to put on Jimi Hendrix, figuring it’s the best song to trip out to. I mean, come on, Hendrix played Purple Haze while tripping on 8 hits of L. But anyway, Bizz comments on the hit “Dude, I can’t even feel the smoke. It’s like not even weed.” We all laugh and I decide that I don’t want to smoke yet because I want to enjoy just tripping really hard. Jay also chooses to do that. Eventually my roommates, who are still there (remember, everyone’s leaving today or has left already), and other friends come back to chill like usual and they know that us 3 were gonna trip today. We explain how awesome everything is because we just ate mushrooms.

Now my friends are smoking their weed, which I expect they would because we basically do it all day, everyday. We’re all joking around and now we’re listening to Led Zeppelin “In My Time Of Dying” which is really tripping me out because I just feel the changes of the speed of the music. My other friend Jay who ate 2.5 grams was tripping really nice and he yelled to me “Yo Joe, I’m thinking I wanna shower.” I respond jokingly “What? Like with me?” He’s quickly defends himself and explains that he’s going to go back to his place to take a shower. His roommate, Bizz stayed at my place. By now, we’ve all decided that we’re peaking.

Tripping on mushrooms is really phat. Life is so perfect now. I’m thinking about so many things. I then choose to turn on my phone, so I can call my friend from home, who was curious about shrooms. He’s the guy I did acid, also his only drug that he’s ever done. I wanted to piss while I called him though, so I went to the bathroom and started to call him but I realized it would be too difficult to do. So now I’m just standing in the bathroom. The conversation begins, and I tell him about it and gave him answers for random questions that he had. The lighting is really interesting in the bathroom too. The interview ends, and I go back in the living room and my friends are about to go to eat at this fast food place on campus where I use my University ID card.

So I’m tripping so hard that I don’t think I can go to eat, so my friend offers to get me food. I order a turkey and cheese sub, the thing I get every time. I hadn’t eaten all day except for the shrooms, so I’m looking forward to consuming my favorite meal. By now it’s 5, about 2 and ½ hours after eating them. They leave and I start to pack a bowl, I figure that smoking while tripping should be fun- it was when I dropped acid the month before.

I put on music again, this time “I'm a Star” by Gucci Mane, one of my favorites. I decide to smoke an old bag of powdery, shakey mids and Maui Wowie kief, mixed together to make an awesome salad. I hit my long, blue bong, and the smoke is practically non existent. I hit it again, I barely feel it. I basically hit like 5 bongs in 30 seconds. I’m blazed out of my mind, not a foreign feeling, but tripping made it really intense and I started to lose my senses, vision became fuzzy and I could barely hear anything. It feels great though, so I lay on my bed, and look out the window,
I’m blazed out of my mind, not a foreign feeling, but tripping made it really intense and I started to lose my senses, vision became fuzzy and I could barely hear anything. It feels great though, so I lay on my bed, and look out the window,
where I see my friends coming back. They come in yelling to me, it almost feels like a dream, but the fact that it’s reality sort of scared me. They’re laughing and what not because they’re high and Jay and Bizz were tripping.

I ask where my food is. My friend tells me that I can have our friend Tristan’s chicken fingers. I was hungry so I just ate whatever, and because I had just smoked, my tongue was really dry. The chicken stuck to my tongue and I couldn’t chew, so I got up really fast and tried to get a plate or something to put the food down on. But I’m really lightheaded, high, and flipping. So I leaned over and just let the food fall from my mouth. I picked it up and threw it out, by now I’m really confused and starting to trip out bad.

Realizing this, I try to calm myself. I check my phone and see a missed call from my mom (I knew it wasn’t a big deal though because I told her I was coming home tomorrow and I live more than an hour away from home. Of course, she left a voicemail, so I hear the message, but not without calling my password first (I was really fucked up). The message is about the imminent snow storm and questions like what time I’m getting home tomorrow. I tell myself that I’ll just call her later after I’m sobering up. I put my phone in my pocket, by now I’m still really high and tripping balls. I begin to feel/see this repeated notion that I’m being trapped by something- really uncomfortable. I recall the same thing happening when I did a high dosage of salvia, and it continued to happen throughout the next 3 hours.

This shrooms trip has officially gone bad. I decide to make pancakes that I saved in my refrigerator, since I still haven’t eaten, but it’s very difficult. I start to microwave them and leave the room or get caught in a trip, and I ended up cooking them for too long. My friends are all in the kitchen with me and they’re asking me questions but I’m too lost to communicate. I take the pancakes out and quickly decide that they aren’t good and throw them in the garbage can.

I’m flipping way harder now and this is when I realize I’m peaking now and not before. I decide that playing a videogame would help me calm down. I put the disk for NBA 2k9 in and play a very weighted game so that I would have a better chance of winning and enjoying it. Well that doesn’t happen obviously, because of how fucked up I am, I turned the ball over like every possession and missed basically every shot. During the game, I’m tripping out so hard I’m seeing my thoughts in the videogame. In the middle of the 3rd quarter, my friend from home called me, but I didn’t know it was him, because I saw MOM when I looked at my phone, which I figured set me into another bad trip.

At the end of the game, I felt bad for sucking but forgot about it quickly. I would try to talk to my roommates but I feel like I can’t form sentences. It’s upsetting and I decide that I should just go and get food at the place. I put on my jacket and gloves and open the door, but I keep telling myself “don’t leave, something bad will happen, you’re too fucked up.” It didn’t cross my mind that I could go with a friend and it would be fine.

So I came back in, and decided to call and order food. Somehow I call and after a struggle to communicate what I want, they get the order down and I hang up. My friends are laughing at me because it is kind of funny how much food I just ordered. 3 medium pizzas and cinnastix, way too much for one person but I needed food really bad. My friends find it funny that I’m tripping so hard that I can’t form words and shit, and that I just ordered 30 dollars worth of food. I’m reclined on my bed by now, and I’m not as high as I was earlier. It’s relieving, but I’m still tripping balls.

The food gets here almost immediately and I give my friend the money for it. They ask me if I want it and I’m like “no, you guys can eat it.” I was so confused about this situation, and it felt like my friends were fucking with me. I now realize though that I was just tripping face at the time. I go in my room, figuring that it’s just a joke and I’m going to come out of dream or something. I come down slowly and have absolutely no memory of it at all. My friends are all leaving for winter break, so as they leave, I start to get freaked out that everyone’s going to leave me.

My stomach is still empty, but it doesn’t hit me that I can eat the food. I guess my brain wasn’t telling me that I’m hungry. Finally, I start to reach sobriety and I can form intelligent thoughts. I try to explain what I just experienced but it was too hard. I eventually ate my food and I called my friend from home, which is when I found out that he was calling me and not my mother. Overall an enjoyable experience, but I regret smoking cannabis.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 83263
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Nov 18, 2022Views: 511
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