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Not Much of Anything...
Citation:   doctrphil. "Not Much of Anything...: An Experience with Amanitas (exp82260)". Apr 1, 2019.

  oral Amanitas
The two experiences I’ve had with Amanitas were only slightly disappointing. It may have been the quality of mushroom (when picked, region, age, etc.), preparation, or the amount ingested.

I received about 30 grams of dry but spongy material consisting of two caps, each about four inches in diameter. I divided these up into two doses, one about 12 grams, the other 18.

In the first batch I added some hot water (from a hot water dispenser for making tea) to two half caps in a small pot. I heated the water a little more to bring it to a slight boil. I let the mixture boil gently for about ten minutes and let it cool. After cooling, I cut the material into bite-size pieces with a fork while still inside the pot. I ate the material first, and then drank the liquid. To me, the taste was actually pretty darn good, but I really like mushrooms and always have a few cans o’ mushroom soup lying around. It was tasty, to the point where I might like to have these as part of a meal. Anyway….

About an hour after consuming all the material I noticed a little bit of antsy-ness. Not anxious or nervous, but rather more like a caffeine buzz.
About an hour after consuming all the material I noticed a little bit of antsy-ness. Not anxious or nervous, but rather more like a caffeine buzz.
I also noticed a little bit of watering in my mouth, but I drink a lot of water normally and to me this tasted good. My eyes may or may not have watered a little too, but it was hard to tell. The cold sweats began as well. The perspiration was a bit uncomfortable because the ambient air temp was cool, causing my body temp to fall even further. This lasted a few hours.

That really about sums it up. There was nothing extraordinary about this experience.

The second time I consumed the remaining 18 grams dry. Meaning I just bit into each piece like it were a cold piece of pizza. I still liked the taste. Kind of has a hoppy, bready beer taste to it. I might add that in neither case did I feel nauseous.

My second experience was much the same as the first, only more intense. Meaning, jitterier (and possibly anxious), more watering, and more sweat. This time I was sweating WAAY more than last and it was a bit cooler as well, and more uncomfortable. I was curious about the sweating part, so I did a little testing. I have a digital thermometer that I placed under my tongue. The reading I got was 96.8, or 1.8 degrees cooler than normal (I re-checked later and found my normal body temp with the same thermometer is 98.6). That’s why they’re cold sweats.

But again, nothing unusual or extraordinary happened, and I was a bit disappointed after all the sweating and jitteriness.

My feeling is that: 1) The dose was too low both times, and 2) There are less negative side effects if the material is heated.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 82260
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 48
Published: Apr 1, 2019Views: 1,346
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