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Blacked Out
Alcohol & Bupropion
Citation:   crimsonlight. "Blacked Out: An Experience with Alcohol & Bupropion (exp80280)". Jan 11, 2022.

400 mg oral Pharms - Bupropion (daily)
  5 shots oral Alcohol  
  2 glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
I had an awful experience with bupropion and alcohol. A few weeks ago I had an old friend come into town and she was having a party so of course I went. I don’t consume much alcohol regularly but, this, being a special occasion I admit I was drinking to get drunk. I take bupropion for depression. I have recently been diagnosed with depression and have been on the medicine (bupropion 150mg twice/daily) for about 4 months. I felt down again a few months later and that’s when the doctor decided to increase my dosage to 200mg to be taken twice/daily.

I had drunk before while on bupropion and didn’t consider an increase in dosage as a factor.
I had drunk before while on bupropion and didn’t consider an increase in dosage as a factor.
After drinking about 5 shots within 2 hours I cracked open my first beer. I was having a blast and the party was really great and then things started to take a turn. At this point I’m blacked out. According to my friends I was off on my own somewhere. Then I began sending text messages that said “RUNNNNNN” to many people at the party. Obviously concerned, my friends started looking for me.

***This next part is extremely embarrassing, I’m sharing only to help others…***

My friends found me outside on the balcony; I was leaning far over and almost fell!!! My friend grabbed me by my belt and through me onto the ground. They didn’t know what was happening. I was totally psycho at this point. I had been reading Harry Potter, yes it’s embarrassing, and at this point I could not distinguish reality from fantasy! I was screaming to all of my friends that Voldemort was coming and they needed to run! I remember it taking three people to hold me down because I was extremely scared…I’m sure adrenalin was running strong. My friends, bless them, reluctantly called the police. Next thing I know I’m in the back of a police car handcuffed... Being blacked out, this part of my memory is spotty… I ended up at the hospital and I was telling all the police officers and the nurses that their children hated them and that they were going to die. I was medically examined, a pee sample was taken and then I was just in a bed alone. I was determined to escape this place (I didn’t know I was at a hospital). I tried 3 times and failed every time. At about 5 am I started to ask myself what the hell happened and where the hell am I.

I WAS IN THE PSYC WARD! I pleaded for the nurses to let me go but they wouldn’t allow it because the police officers filed an involuntary admittance for observation! After seeing a nurse, a doctor, a psychologist, and a social worker I was released at 11am!

No drugs were found in the pee sample, I doubt being drugged by anything. This episode was clearly a reaction between alcohol and bupropion.

I am continuing taking bupropion but will never consume more than 1 BEER with this medicine it’s not worth it. Not only am I completely ashamed of myself I was severely embarrassed that my friends saw me in such a condition.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 80280
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 11, 2022Views: 511
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Alcohol - Beer/Wine (199), Alcohol - Hard (198) : Combinations (3), Depression (15), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Large Group (10+) (19)

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