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Before and After Prozac
Cannabis (oral) & Fluoxetine
Citation:   DAVE. "Before and After Prozac: An Experience with Cannabis (oral) & Fluoxetine (exp78469)". Sep 12, 2011.

20 mg oral Pharms - Fluoxetine (daily)
  800 mg oral Cannabis (edible / food)
I have been using weed almost daily for the last year or so to deal with OCD, moderate anxiety and insomnia. Several weeks ago I was prescribed Fluoxetine HCL 10mg x2 daily (generic for Prozac) for these symptoms. This has moderately altered my experience with cannabis, which I will detail below.

Typical dose: About .8g of mid grade weed, made into hash oil, then baked into brownies.

Before Prozac I would get slightly intoxicated, slightly unmotivated and extremely tired at this dose. Moderate visual scrolling, moderate euphoria, time sense altered. Since I was depressed, I would get an intense shot of emotions ranging from paranoia to empathy to increased appreciation of things. Sometimes at higher doses I could get closed-eye visuals (kaleidoscope vision).

After Prozac I get moderately intoxicated, very unmotivated and only slightly tired. Visual scrolling, time dilation, closed-eye visuals and other psychedelic effects are greatly reduced. Almost no increase in emotions, and little euphoria. There's a new effect in that I feel pressure in my head. I feel as if it's made me stoned and stupid rather than high and mind expanding. There also seems to be more hangover (bad short-term memory, lethargy, lack of motivation) than before.

I don't smoke it often, but the one time I've tried so far it has had less effect than before.

Although the difference isn't HUGE, the lack of increased emotions along with the help that Prozac provides me has encouraged me to quit eating pot brownies on a regular basis. Prior to this I had never had trouble when withdrawn from THC, but from 3-5 days after discontinuing use I feel mentally distressed. Every time I return to it to finish off my stash I go through this withdrawal again, even if I only use it once. I think after this is gone I will stop for good, except possibly on rare occasions.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 78469
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 12, 2011Views: 22,980
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Cannabis (1), Pharms - Fluoxetine (80) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Combinations (3), Not Applicable (38)

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