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Death Was Right There
Citation:   ronnie. "Death Was Right There: An Experience with DXM (exp7841)". Aug 12, 2003.

  oral DXM
I've always had many interesting experiences with DXM that I've wanted to submit to a website before, however, I think that my last one would be the best to share. Although I'm sure that many people might say this, I have been doing DXM longer then most people I meet who claim that they knew about it before anyone. Obviously it would be a bit absurd to claim that I am one of the originators of using DXM as a recreational drug, because from what I've read, it has been around for at least fifty years. However, I have been doing it for many years now, although I've abstained these last few weeks due to a rather unpleasant experience.

I know that I was definitely pissed off when I started dosing. Exactly how much I took I couldn't really say. At first it was like most trips, and quite enjoyable. I knew it would be a particular good night to do a lot, because I had no one around to distract me. My original plan was to lock myself inside a room and do all of the things that DXM makes enjoyable. As I was waiting for the full effect, I was laid out in front of my TV. After some time passed, I realized that I had probably taken more then intended. Once I realized this, I continued to go up. I made one attempt to leave the room in hopes that I would realize that I wasn't tripping that bad. Unfortunately, I opened the door, saw darkness, I got frightened. I couldn't do any of the enjoyable things that I had planned, I was stuck in front of my TV and couldn't move. The particular show that I had on apparently was not a good one, I remember there being a lot of death, and after that my memories start to get very distorted. Most I'm sure I cannot remember. I made one more attempt to leave the room, only this time, I somehow returned with the belief that I was not an actual human, and was starting my metamorphosis back to my true alien form. How long this lasted, I cannot say.

At some point I wound up back in front of the tv. At this point, I started to panic, realizing that it was not turning out to be a pleasant experience at all. That was then confirmed when I had a visit from my best friend, my former trip partner, who just so happened to die a year ago. I thought that he had come for me, that I was going to join him, and God was there as well to help me transition. At this point I could barely breathe, and felt that my heart would burst at any minute. I panicked, thinking that it would be too painful leaving my body. I thought to call 911, but realized that someone had tipped the EMT's off about how it was meant for me to die that day, and they would provide no help. I ran around the house in a panic, trying to think of how to cheat death, and at some point I must have unknowingly called 911.

Suddenly there were cops in my room, along with my brother who apparently had been in the next room the whole time. I got the oxygen mask and made my way to the ambulance, where my blood pressure was taken and came out as 60/25. In the hospital, hooked up to the heart monitor, my pulse would jump from as high as 165 to as low as 30 in a minute. If you think that this could not be possible, neither did i. Fortunately I did not die that night, and have not attempted to do any DXM since. The bad part is that I still think that death is coming for me, and am convinced that someone is after me. These are not normal thoughts for me, I've never been a paranoid person, unless drug induced. Unfortunately, my last trip has seemed to have had some very lasting effects on me. I really hope that my story will be used. As I already said, I have been using DXM for years, but now will most likely never touch the stuff again.

I'll admit, after I realized that I was going to live, I did think that it was one of my best trips, I got to ride in an ambulance, I was hooked up to machines, only someone who has done DXM can understand how that could be a fun experience. However, memories of that last time are still coming back, and it terrifies me now to think of that. For every reason that I've always enjoyed doing DXM, I now hate. I realize that some probably prefer to read the more glamorous stories, but this type of shit is what people should really be reading. Death was right there, I could see it, and now I don't think of having a fun time as getting as fucked up as possible and seeing if I'll die. People might do DXM, and not care what happens to them, but you can't really comprehend what it really means to die unless you see it right there.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 7841
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 12, 2003Views: 23,892
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DXM (22) : Hospital (36), Health Problems (27), Difficult Experiences (5)

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