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Hot and Sweaty, Happy and Confident
Tea (Chifir)
Citation:   Dariomon. "Hot and Sweaty, Happy and Confident: An Experience with Tea (Chifir) (exp77757)". Erowid.org. Jun 19, 2020. erowid.org/exp/77757

100 g oral Tea (tea)
My friend called me and invited me to drink a drink called chefir with his friend. I agreed and when I made it to their place I found out that chefir is done from regular leaf tea. When me and my friend were watching the TV the other guy was preparing it in the kitchen. He used about 100g of tea for 250 ml (about a PACK of tea!!). And most important he said you need to dump the tea in already boiling water and boiling process is VERY complicated (I didnt quite understand it but about 10 of boiling on high heat and 5 boiling on low heat with a lid on). One glass was about 250ml and he used 100g of tea for it. Then he took it off the heat, filtered it and then started boiling the already filtered dark liquid again. One must drink it as hot as possible.

As a guest I was the first one to get my drink. The taste was awful I wanted to eat something or put sugar in it but he said that it will ruin it and the effects wont be as good, so I had to drink it (I wanted to throw up). I didn't expect much from it so I was pretty calm (OOh how I was wrong).

*0. 05 after drinking I did not feel anything besides the awful taste in the mouth and discomfort in the stomach.

*0. 10 all of a sudden I felt REALLY hot my forehead started to get really hot but amazingly I started to feel a rush similar to small dose of amphetamine.

*0. 15 I started giggling and I felt confidence and a HUGE energy rush. I was surprised and shocked that TEA had such results. I felt really hot and my forehead was sweating. My mood went up 100%.

*0. 30 the effects start to get higher. My face was red, hot and sweaty but I was happy and confident. I dont know if it can be categorized as an effect but I suddenly started noticing small things like a plane in the sky, a small crack in the wall.

*0. 40 we talked about the future and the conversation went really good. I feel the body temperature is pretty high but I feel fine.

*1. 00 the effects are steady but I felt a slight stomach discomfort.

*3. 00 the effects are over I didnt feel hot anymore and my face is not red, but the good mood is still present.

I had no problem sleeping that night, even opposite I felt asleep pretty quickly and felt fully rested the next day.

I have no idea why is this drink not popular and why is it so hard to find info on it.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 77757
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 19, 2020Views: 1,680
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Tea (447) : First Times (2), Preparation / Recipes (30), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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