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Tried to Fix a Stereo With a Hammer
Venlafaxine & Lithium
by G
Citation:   G. "Tried to Fix a Stereo With a Hammer: An Experience with Venlafaxine & Lithium (exp75317)". Nov 17, 2020.

150 mg oral Pharms - Venlafaxine
Fried by Venlafaxine

I went to the psychiatrist complaining of mood swings and general lack of motivation in the mornings. Firstly he prescribes a 750mg daily of lithium carbonate. It upsets my stomach, which I'd expected, and by day three I begin feeling an intense detachment from the world. I felt like a part of my brain had been shut off. So I return and say that I hated this feeling and the guy prescribes Venlafaxine
I felt like a part of my brain had been shut off. So I return and say that I hated this feeling and the guy prescribes Venlafaxine
, 150mg daily.


I throw back the pill the next morning as prescribed, with food.

T+1; A feeling of mild nausea, not unpleasant very much like coming up on E.

T+3; Stomach will not take food, am thirsty but cannot drink easily.

T+5; Basically I'm tripping balls but not in a nice way. It's like all the hairy effects of E with only a mild sense of euphoria.

T+24; Still pretty much the same feeling of being fried, but only a mild underlying euphoria. I decide to discontinue the use of this substance. My pupils are dilated as hell and I look like an owl.

T+36; Slowly wearing off. My pupils are still quite dilated, but not to the owlish extent of a few hours ago. Still find it hard to take food.

I am going to see a different psychiatrist. I'd like to try cognitive therapy perhaps. From what I've read it seems that I've been put on fairly high beginning doses of both substances. The guy didn't mention the side effects. My complaints weren't very intense, I'm certainly not a danger to myself. I feel like the guy has tried to fix a stereo with a hammer.

I can not wait for this feeling to finish wearing off.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 75317
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 17, 2020Views: 658
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Pharms - Venlafaxine (191) : Not Applicable (38), Medical Use (47), Difficult Experiences (5)

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