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Giggle Fest
Alcohol & Cannabis
Citation:   RoTTenKoRn. "Giggle Fest: An Experience with Alcohol & Cannabis (exp74389)". Dec 31, 2018.

T+ 0:00
  oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
  T+ 6:00   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 6:30   repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
It started off at 11am when my friend, Karmy, came to my house with her boyfriend. We somehow convinced my parents to let me go to her house, which is far from my house. So by the time I got to her house it was 2:48pm.

We walked around for a bit until 3:15-ish pm when Karmy brought me to the back of her house and handed me a bottle of aftershock and a bottle of spice rum. She poured in half a bottle of rum into a large coffee cup [which grossly I might add still had coffee stains and lipstick around it. I was horrified but alcohol is alcohol.]. Karmy told me that if I drank it fast enough then I would get drunk quicker and longer. So I downed the rum and then she put some after shock in my cup and told me to down it. I laughed and told her I'd want to wait for the Ice cubes melt in it. She told me It was rock candy, which sucked because I had some cavities in my mouth and each time I would drink it, I'd get a mouthful of candy and pain.

After All of us drinking the rum and aftershock, we were a bit buzzed and decided to run over and meet some girl named kammy or kendra or something stupid. I was too buzzed to recall the name to myself and hear the pronunciation. It was around 3:49ish when we left

After talking and watching the football game, I started to feel like I was coming down. Either drinking all that stuff fast was just a killer, or all my drinking days really fucked me over for good buzzes now. Either way, we went outside and tried to get a hold of someone who has weed at 4:40ish pm. I sat outside in that hot ass sun and let me tell you, dressing in all black didn't make it any better. I felt like a bit dazed but at the same time normal. It was like I had this drunken feeling, where I would want to sit down, but because I was so tired at the same time, I felt like I was just in a drowsy fit. So I was struggling to keep awake.
After we got a hold of some girl bell, we all got karmy's mom to take her to Bell's work, [which was stupid because it was about as far away as tossing a quarter across the street.] So after we got there, I looked around for a clock but I was so sleepy. I felt like I drank some nyquil and was struggling to stay awake. Bell slapped me on the back, told me happy birthday, [I'm guessing Karmy told her it was my birthday but it really was 3 days away.] and took us all back to her car. She finally told me it was 5:36pm after asking everyone over and over.[Possibly they couldn't understand me or I was saying it too softly?] Karmy handed me some good 'ol green in a bag and her mom picked us up at mcdonald's, [which was next to where bell worked.], and went straight home to drop me off. The whole car ride I slept.

I woke up, at home, at 8:06pm and I was more along the lines of groggy. I went straight to my room and watched some T.V. While Karmy and her boyfriend smoked with my dad. After she left, I started to think about when to smoke the Cannibus. I decided a little now wouldn't hurt so I started to stuff it in my pipe after breaking it up. I looked at the time before hand because I wanted to make sure it wasn't too close to the time my mom gets home. 9:13pm.

I took a hit, and I felt like it beat my lungs from the inside. I was coughing mad hard, and I tried to hold it in. It was horribly bad at first with the coughing but the more I hit it, the less I would cough. I felt like everything was getting slow. My body would feel warm, then cold, then warm again. I swear I felt my eyes dilate. It was crazy. I put on some Kottonmouth Kings, preferably the song 'Echoes and Spirit guides' and listened to it. I've heard the song a million times when I wasn't high, but this was the first time I heard it being high now. It sounded so incredibly slow, and it seemed to echo on. I realize why they call that song 'echoes and spirit guides'.

I couldn't help but keep looking at the time. Each time I looked, it was another 5 or 10 minutes passed before. But it felt like it was 30 minutes ago since the last time I looked. I started to smoke more, out of curiosity. I checked the time again, it was 9:45ish pm. Time was going so slowly. I began to get fidgety, and no matter how hard I tried not to, my leg or arm would jump up a little or twitch. My eyes felt very dry, my mouth was very dry, [No matter HOW much water I drank, it was STILL dry.], and my body felt hot. I was becoming more tired again. My motions seemed slowed down and I'd forget what I was doing.

I got on the internet around 10:30ish to check my myspace but my hand coordination was not very good and I'd forget I was going to that site. I'd hear thumping downstairs and it made me mad nervous. I was really paranoid each time I heard a noise or someone would call my name and ask me for stupid shit like 'where the toilet paper is.' or 'do you want the rest of my burger.' Although I was very hungry, I said no because I didn't want to go look my parents in the eye, red and giggly, and explain to them why I was the way I was.

I tried to hold a phone conversation but that's even worse. I would laugh at everything and I would think my friends were fucking with my head. Which now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure they were.

I finally fell asleep at 12am, I'm not exactly sure of the time, but I know it was at 12am somewhere around there. I laid down in my bed, and passed the fuck out so fast. What was so weird was how intensified my dreams were. It was like I was high in my dream too and my dreams were trying to tell me something.

I started to dream that my boyfriend was cheating on me, and accidentally slipped up and told me about her, thinking I was really too high to figure it out. Then my dreams became soothing and I dreamed about walking down in the woods in the middle of autumn and all the leaves falling like snow on me, just colors of red, yellow, orange, and brown falling and I danced in the woods.

I woke up at 9am and I feel very refreshed.

Weed intensifies my dreams and It makes me feel soothed and relaxed and even though there are some paranoia for some, it still is about the safest I can get.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 74389
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 31, 2018Views: 986
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Alcohol - Hard (198), Cannabis (1) : General (1), Music Discussion (22), Various (28)

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