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Reality, Dreams, and the Thin Line Between Them
Calea zacatechichi
Citation:   D white. "Reality, Dreams, and the Thin Line Between Them: An Experience with Calea zacatechichi (exp72173)". Jul 16, 2018.

3 g oral Calea zacatechichi (tea)
I had read a lot about it and finally had a chance to try some Calea when I recently got a debit card which allowed me to buy it from online vendors.

I ordered 3 grams of 10x extract and within 3 days it arrived at my house along with some jumbo rolling papers and lots of incense.

10:00pm- I open a tea bag and dump the whole 3 grams inside. I staple the bag shut and mix the black, powdered extract around in the bag with my fingers. The water turns a dark brown/black almost immediately after the tea bag is dipped. This doesn't bother me that much until I start drinking the vile sludge.

10:15pm- I'm still struggling through the first few gulps of the stuff. Every sip brings a tear to my eye and I have to chase it with a mouthful of lemonade.

10:23pm- Finally I've decided I can't stand anymore and decide to lay down. As I lay I begin to feel my heart pounding and I know that I have had enough. I watch some tv for a while until I realize that I am feeling the way I do when I'm stoned and everything seemed to be happaning too fast.

about 10:45pm- I move into the living room to fall asleep on the couch like I of ten do and unkowingly slip into slumbering sub-consciousness within minutes.

I'm with my friends V and R and some other people and I'm telling them how awful the calea tasted and how much of a rip-off it was because it didn't do anything. They wince and nod as I explain my experience.

Then (I'm not sure if this part was a dream or not), I get up and stumble around in the dark searching for the bathroom. I find it, while I urinate I look up and realize that I am hallucinating as the walls are flowing like waves. I sit down on the toilet and watch the walls flow and as they reach the door begin to swirl into a whirlpool. I don't know how long I sat there but finally I decide to go lay down again.

about 7:00am- I wake up feeling better than I usually do when I wake up. I sit up and realize that I'm drenched in sweat.

I hope to try calea again soon. This time I will buy the foliage and try smoking it.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 72173
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 16, 2018Views: 1,226
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Calea zacatechichi (97) : General (1), First Times (2), Various (28)

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