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At Least I Am Happy
Citation:   Christopher J N. "At Least I Am Happy: An Experience with Oxycodone (exp71615)". Erowid.org. Feb 10, 2018. erowid.org/exp/71615

15 mg insufflated Oxycodone (ground / crushed)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Let me begin this with a warning: Opiates are addictive. I wouldn't say I have an addictive personality. I've done very large amounts of amphetamine for days at a time, and never once thought, 'I need this.' With opiates though, I found opiate use to be a ritual moreso than actually getting high. It's hard to explain in this aspect, so I won't delve too far, but I will say this; use caution, please. I almost ruined some of the best things in my life because of opiates.

Onto the original intent however. I am a fairly experienced with recreational drug use. I have lots of experience with marijuana, amphetamine, and alcohol. I've also experimented with cocaine, salvia, dxm, dph, various pharms such as xanax, klonopin, oxycontin, percocet, vicodin, dilaudid, and I'm probably forgetting some. I also smoke cigarettes.

I first came into the beauty of opiates the way most teens do: their parents painkillers. My father had a bottle of 90 7.5 mg percocets that I found while looking for a lighter. I had very little experience with percocet, which expanded to popping 10mgs in the past, which was less than memorable. However, this day I was pretty bored and I decided, 'Why not?'
So I took two, crushed them up and snorted them. The rush as amazing. I've noticed that opiates are strange in how quickly that instant rush hits you. I felt as if all bad things in the world were gone, and all that was there was me and euphoria. I must've laid there forever, in my room, just basking in it. This became a ritual, after school I'd go home and rail some percs. It was just a thing. My dose kept going up, as well. After the first week I was up to six, and then two weeks or so in, I did between 10 and 12, not exactly sure. This is when I realized this may be a problem. I spent a three day weekend at my girlfriends house, out of reach of the pills. I smoked a lot of pot while I was there. They knew I was trying to quit any habituation, so they offered me weed to keep me from craving it. Still, I did though. All I could think about was how much better the high would be with some percocet. It all ended well though. I eventually told my dad and he had close to none left.

A few months later, I found something infinitesimally better: that is the 80mg oxycontin. I got a hold of a good amount, and decided I should try and be careful this time and it'd be okay. I had a limited amount (thank god) so I had to be conservative. I snorted the first one, and while it was amazing, I felt as if it should've been more. So the next time I chewe d it up and oh my god. This was perfection. If there was a heaven, surely it would be like this. Projectile vomiting aside, the experience was amazing. This repeated, a lot, until I ran out. I took 2 1/2 one day and saw MSI in concert. I don't remember much of that concert.

A while later, my friend C called me, looking for some speed. I hooked him up and he told me he had some dilaudid. I had heard of this before, vaguely. So I looked it up and realized it was golden. He sold me a baggie of some for 5$ a pill for 8mg pills, so the price was pretty. These things were amazing as well. I sold some, but took most.

Since then I've had a hard time finding anything more than vicodin and percocet, but when I hear of oxycontin I jump on it. I'm supposed to be getting some 160s that a friend found, but I question the validity. I wouldn't say I'm an addict but I know that in some way I am. Whereas I'm not dopesick when I don't have it, the psychological peck is always, always there. I constantly desire it and think of how much better any situation is. I'm very tempted to look in to heroin, but my girlfriend is deadset no, and I'm scared I'd enjoy it far too much, so I stay away from it.

If used responsibly, I think oxycodone is the best drug out I've tried. I also realize the addicton potential and risks. So be careful, be safe, and most of all, enjoy your life.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 71615
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 10, 2018Views: 2,409
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Oxycodone (176) : General (1), Various (28)

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