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A Night to Remember
Citation:   Sk8aJ. "A Night to Remember: An Experience with Dimenhydrinate (exp7010)". Aug 27, 2002.

400 mg oral Dimenhydrinate (pill / tablet)
Alight, it was a friday and i had nothing else to do the next morning so my friend wanted me to try this 'new drug' he found out about...called 'Dimenhydrinate'....

Early in the day we set my room up with blacklights, a strobe light, glowsticks, glowing stars, techno music, the works. We went up to our local drugstore and bought a box 'Sominex' for about 6 bucks a box containing 16 pills ,50 mgs a pill. We were ready for the night to come.

At 10 p.m. me and my friend took 8 pills a piece at 50 mg. a pill. I was very sceptical that this would work. I mean 6 bucks to screw 2 people over for 5+ could this be? We stayed outside and smoked a cig. and a lightheaded feeling went over me. Didn't pay attention cause that usually happens when i smoke menthal. We went inside and microwaved some popcorn and went into my room and sat down to the black light and the techno music. As we sat there on the floor, i noticed a heavy feeling come over me, like gravity was multiplying. It was hard to me to stand. I thought to myself' this sucks'. Then a freaky thing happened. I was about to eat a piece of popcorn and i noticed that it was a dice! The popcorn looked like dice. We began throwing them around as though they were dice. Then it hit us like a bomb......

11:30 Everything looked like as though we were on an acid trip. Intense music, Wavy walls, color explosions (things going from green to red then to orange..etc.), floor shifting, and ceiling swirls. I was like, 'This is sweet'. But that was just the begining.....

11:50 We looked at some band poster and the background guy was flipping drumsticks and beating drums to the beat of the techno (when in the real picture he is just standing there with no drumsticks!) One guy kept flicking us off, frogs were crawling on my monitor, cans were walking, the glowsticks kept playing pee-a-boo with us hiding behind the trashcan, a bat flew around my room, and everything thing else that i could imagine seeing i would see. But the best and most freakiest thing i have ever experianced was about to come next.....

12:05 I was sitting there and i saw my friend on the computer. I went over to see what he was doing and went to put my hand on his shoulder and he disapeared. Then i hear ' what the hell are you doing man' there he was, on the bed, the whole time! I saw my friends from next door walk in and i was talking to them. The scary thing is that they weren't even there! We were seeing hallucinations of people that seemed so real we talked to them. I kept seeing people in the corner of my eye. I saw my friend laying beside me, but he was really on the bed the whole time. He saw me digging in the trash can with my next door neighbor and we really weren't. And we both swear that there was someone in that damn closet...

That night was a night that i would def. do again. But i caution anyone out there to have plenty of water nearby, very nearby because our temps. were incredibly high that night. And make sure you be in a safe place were you won't get caught and remember the whole time that what you are seeing isn't real.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 7010
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 27, 2002Views: 31,826
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Dimenhydrinate (17) : General (1), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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