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♥It Feels Like Happy in Here♥
MDMA (Ecstasy), Alcohol & Cannabis
Citation:   the chick who took e. "♥It Feels Like Happy in Here♥: An Experience with MDMA (Ecstasy), Alcohol & Cannabis (exp69819)". Nov 18, 2022.

  repeated smoked Cannabis
    oral Alcohol
  1 tablet oral MDMA
I don't drink often, I've been smoking pot since I was 11 (now 21). Strongest thing I've encountered were mushrooms, until I had an E one night...

I had a few energy/alcohol drinks. I smoked two blunts of mid grade marijuana. I was hanging out with my husband and his friend. But only my husband and I took the E. Last time (and our first time) we took E, nothing happened, it was b.s. and pissed us off so we decided to give it one more shot. He went and got the E. It had a pic on it, and when we looked it up on a site, it showed it contained 1 part MDMA. I took the pill and he took his 5 min after.

I started feeling quite high but I couldn't tell if it was from the weed or if it was the E kicking in. He told me to stop drinking alcohol because it's not safe to dehydrate the body on E, but I still took sips when he wasn't noticing. My husband felt it long before I did. I thought I was getting a bit of a body high from the weed, or from the alcohol, the effects were too subtle. Suddenly I felt something different kicking in, I knew it was different than the effects of the energy drink, alcohol, and the weed. I looked at the time, it was 12:40 am. Suddenly in a matter of seconds I was in a bursting love cloud.
Suddenly in a matter of seconds I was in a bursting love cloud.
I was completely fucked up at 12:42am. I held my ground though (his buddy was completely sober, didn't want to seem like a retard in front of the sober one) and told them I was really feeling the E, and politely asked my husband to take his brother home. As soon as they left I turned on the strobe light and listened to some Deftones as I rolled on the floor with the cats admiring their fur. I couldn't wait for my husband's return, I knew he was just as high as I was. I tripped out in my little environment, randomly laughing at myself, for a while and when he came home, I became over excited and started crying with joy. I've never cried over happiness in my life. I had such a strong sense of wellbeing for him, it's scary but he seemed almost god-like to me. I mean, I'm an atheist, and I could feel my soul? I could feel a warm mass of happy around my chest up through to my brain. It was almost spiritual. We both really opened up to each other and nothing but apologies and forgiveness came out. The only thing that mattered to us was that we were together and on E. We could have been on a royal cruise ship touring islands, sipping on margaritas and it still would not have come close to the trip we took to ecstasy land. We could have won a million dollars and still only rejoice in the fact it could get us more E. Scary and true. I can't really say much else we did due to explicit content, but the myth about 'not being able to get it up on E' is not accurate.

Coming down from E wasn't too bad. The trip lasted 4 hrs that seemed to fly by, It was a bit strange, going from the happiest moment in your life to normal in just a few hours. It left a mark of some sort on me though. For days after I felt different, bored but more accepting of it than usual. My emotions were dulled and it put me at a bland satisfactory feeling for a while. Took about a week to feel like me again. Sad to say I had never been happier in my life and it had to be artificial. It was one hell of a good trip while it lasted though, and we wanted it to last forever.

'It's not a habit, it's cool. I feel alive.'

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 69819
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Nov 18, 2022Views: 485
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