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Cleansing My Third Eye, and Reconnect to God
Hash & Tobacco
Citation:   masterpiece. "Cleansing My Third Eye, and Reconnect to God: An Experience with Hash & Tobacco (exp68335)". Erowid.org. Dec 21, 2017. erowid.org/exp/68335

3 bowls smoked Cannabis - Hash
  3 bowls smoked Tobacco
I havent smoked weed in more than a couple of weeks so I decided that it was time to open my doors of perception. My boy didnt have any green on him, but he had some hash (very common in germany).

Before I get into the experience I want to say a couple things about myself, in order to understand the trip itself better. I'm a very dedicated bodybuilder, yet for some reason I didnt get sucked into this mtv wet dream of what a society is supposed to look and act like. Although I train 6 days a week, I like to keep my third eye opened through the use of marijuana and salvia.

So yesterday was one of those days, I smoked 3 bowls of hash mixed with tobacco, and I was gone. I was really high, so I decided to just chill on the couch. This is when it happened. The presence of the Holy Spirit began to fill the room. All of a sudden I felt intense heat in my stomach, and that's when I began to shake like crazy. Now before anyone thinks I had a seizure I did not. I had experienced this kind of power before. However I never thought that God would show up like this when I was high.
I never thought that God would show up like this when I was high.
It was just an incredible feeling to reconnect with the Holy Spirit, and just rest in His loving arms. This experience made me remember how wonderful God really is, and how I chose to walk away from Him over a year ago. The Holy Spirit is the most amazing thing on this planet, there is no agenda, no condemnation and no religion. He is a lover of people. That is what God is love. It hurts me that marijuana is illegal, and so many people think its 'so bad'. Like Bill Hicks once said There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 68335
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 21, 2017Views: 1,305
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Cannabis - Hash (93) : Combinations (3), Mystical Experiences (9), Alone (16)

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