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Dancing Trees
Citation:   19kb88. "Dancing Trees: An Experience with 2C-E (exp68293)". Mar 5, 2008.

T+ 0:00
7.5 mg oral 2C-E (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:30 7.5 mg oral 2C-E (powder / crystals)
9:00pm At my house I mix 15mg 2CE powder with 2 cups of V8 juice, and drink ½, the chemical taste is unnoticeable.

9:30 A friend picks me up, as I do not want to be around my parents tripping, and we go on several errands, while I drink the other ½ of 2CE/V8 in the car.

9:52 In the basement of my friend’s house I see my pupils are somewhat dilated, and my heart rate is quick, mostly due to excitement rather than the drug itself. My stomach begins to feel uncomfortable, but bearable. I intentionally ate light for most of the day, mostly fruits and grains to prepare. It becomes increasingly difficult to watch TV, the light is way too bright and the picture changes too frequently, it makes me nauseous so I close my eyes.

10:15 (I wrote parts of my experience in a pocket book) “my handwriting is beautiful” in cursive… I find it very amusing to manipulate a pencil and create cursive letters. I wonder if the 2CE will kick in soon (its been over an hour) and begin to worry that this will be it, an upset stomach, a headache and a small deviation in regular sight. I close my eyes for another 5 minutes.

10:25 The shadows on the ceiling flutter, I take a second glance and they’re moving, slowly… but definitely moving. I decide this would be a good time to go pee and take a gander at myself in the mirror. In the bathroom, I look very normal, pupils same state.

10:34 The wall paper is CRAWLING. In this bathroom, the print is several shades of neutral and beige with faded words like “Madrid,” “explore,” and “Tuscany” “ printed over lightly drawn maps. The effect is mesmerizing, I start laughing (yep, in a bathroom by myself, cackling in disbelief “oh my god, this is amazing!” Not unusual or anything.) No one else is in the house, so I don’t care. I sit in the bathroom simply entertained by the wallpaper, the words shift and leap of the wall, they climb up and down, they shimmer, they disappear. The very letters themselves wiggle and squirm as if trying to rearrange themselves within a word. This was my first experience with a psychedelic, so 15mg of 2CE on a light 123lb stomach…it blew my mind as you can imagine.

10:45 I am outside the friend’s house. After convincing myself the bathroom would not be the most eventful thing to happen of the night (seriously, wallpaper=incredible) I find my friend is passed out on the couch. I make a mental note to always buy *at least 2 doses* of whatever, as tripping is ALWAYS better when accompanied with other people who are in a like state of mind. I wake my friend and tell him I’m going for a walk with his Ipod. I begin with the soundtrack from “across the universe,” aka the Beatles while chewing gum.

I walk ¼ a mile to a park where I used to play Tee Ball and soccer. I also skateboarded in this park for the first time while high on reefer. I love this park, it symbolizes part of my childhood, so I walk across the street and stand in its parking lot. The fur trees, and whichever ones are bare this time of year are dancing. Literally swaying to the music, they’re just as glad to see me as I am to see them. I have been living in a dust bowl for 3 ½ months and I grew up in “rolling hills,” apparently this is my welcome home party!

I sit at the base of a fur tree for a few minutes till I realize I have covered my hind end with sap. I get up and watch the heavens, stars zipping all over the dark sky. The bare branches twist and contort, reaching for each other, trying to embrace one another, but they’re too far apart and entertain me instead. I get caught up in the park theater, but it’s cold and consider going back to the friends house- then decide not. I’d rather be alone and outside then bored inside. I start walking towards my house, which is over 7 miles away.

11:00 I receive a friend’s call, he wants to know which section of history I plan to take for the spring semester, while I’m describing the cosmos above. We hang up, I can’t believe it’s only 11:06, severe time dilation. I was listening to an unknown artist (the letters on the I pod were moving so quickly I couldn’t read them) play a lovely and entrancing sitar. On the sidewalk, cracks appear, widen, gape, and close as I step on them. Small puddles from the night before become larger, and swirl. The trees reach over the sidewalk, their branches are going nuts, they must have a life of their own. This was the first time anything ever shifted, or changed form while I looked at it, and I was thoroughly enjoying the psychedelic experience.

11:15 “L: calls, and decides he will drive to meet me.

11:18 “L” parks his car, and accompanies me on my walk. He is sober, but enjoys me describing my surroundings. It’s very sensational to walk along the roads I’ve driven for years, and see them in a completely different perspective. In addition to the trees, sidewalks, and stars, there are technicolor lights coming from behind me, or possibly above. Every few minutes bursts of regular light appear in front of me, I turn around but there never is a car. “L” and I talk it seems for ages, I feel very comfortable and open with him, he’s experimented with similar drugs, and knows where I’m coming from. Whenever the mood strikes me we stop and lay in someone’s front lawn to watch the surroundings twist and move, to appreciate the sights that are for the first time available. We walk and talk, sharing the ipod.

I think about recent issues that have bothered me, and get some interesting insight. I remind myself that things can be as complicated, or as simple as I want them to be (as far as my personal life that is, because some things are just out of my control.) I think about who I want to be, and who I was. How much I’ve changed, and I realize that this is only the beginning of my experimentation. The majority of my friends from home condemn the use of any drug, (except for one or two who smoke pot.) Suddenly I become angry at them and their close mindedness. I would love to share my experiences with them, but that will never happen, they freaked out when a friend let it slip that I had done ecstasy.

I decide that I need new friends. Friends that aren’t afraid of adventure, or of themselves. I am very intrigued by self awareness and self discovery, to “look deep inside” which I think is why I had such a great time, even the parts where I was alone.
“L” kisses me and it’s wonderful, when I close my eyes I see patterns, geometric art grooving to the music, pulse and bend. Whatever light show is playing in my brain, it’s a good one. We laugh and continue to make out on someone’s front lawn. Whenever we touch the trees reach out to me, as if they want to share in the embrace. Vines continue to grow where we’re laying. I decide we have to get up when one starts to ensnare his leg.

I don’t know how long “L” stayed with me, but I walked him back to his car (after declining a ride home) and continued on my journey. I listen to Dave Matthews Band for the rest of the way, it fit my mood exactly and “Satellite” is my new favorite song.
I dance part of the way home, although 5 days ago I severely sprained my ankle, I don’t remember feeling any pain. Or cold for that matter, I had on a long sleeve shirt, hoodie, and jeans but didn’t mind the thirty something temperature, the cold breeze felt nice going over my face and through my hair.

I think about this journey, that before I drank the 2CE/V8 I made my friend promise me he would be present while I tripped, just so I had human company, yet I left his house to be on my own. I decide this is the last time I do a drug alone as the experience would have been much better with another 2CE-er.

2:00am I arrive home, I can tell I have started to come down. I lay down on the couch, my legs hurt (my ankle is very upset at this point) and I notice my fingers have been numb for some time, This is the part where I’m glad I’m alone. I listen to the ipod, and continue to enjoy the visuals. Even my skin and the corduroy on my pants moves.

2:30am I call my brother and tell him that I love him very much, that I’ll miss him when I have to leave in two days, and I’m glad to have him in my life. He gets a little concerned, and advises me in his big brother voice that I’m not allowed to trip alone anymore, even if I am having a lot of fun. I get a pencil and some paper, and discover it’s VERY easy to be an artists. I think I fell in love with my artistic self right then and there.

3:00am I’ve gotten to my room, the carpet on the stairs formed intricate crop circles that would dissolve unto themselves. My wallpaper isn’t nearly good as my friends.

3:30 ‘L” calls just to make sure I made it home alright- I had forgotten to call him.
I lay in my bed while coming down, the glow in the dark stars I stuck on my ceiling years ago make me laugh. What a great night, even though it wasn’t what I expected.

I would do this drug again at the same dose, maybe 18 or 19mg but space the dosage out so the trip lasts longer. I loved the visuals, and time dilation. There was a slight euphoria, and zero paranoia. There were times I probably should have been frightened (teenager girl walking unaccompanied with headphones in…prime kidnapping/mugging/molesting) but I was in my own world, and it was beautiful. I hoped this helped anyone thinking of trying it.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 68293
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 5, 2008Views: 7,754
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