A Very Cracked Out Christmas
Citation:   The Shortest Girl. "A Very Cracked Out Christmas: An Experience with Crack (exp67969)". Erowid.org. Dec 26, 2015. erowid.org/exp/67969

T+ 0:00
3 hits smoked Crack (freebase)
  T+ 9:45   oral DXM (liquid)
Today is the day after Christmas and now that I have taken a step back to reflect I've decided it might be beneficial to people to share my story.

I grew up around drugs, not drug addicts, but drugs. My parents fully support my experimentation and they often joke about me not sharing my stash with them (Jokingly of course. They're older and clean now). They've always been honest with me, and it was actually my father that told me about Erowid, 'Be educated' is their philosophy. I include this because I think it will help people understand where I'm coming from.

I'm a big stoner, I do Ex whenever I get the chance, and occasionally I'll indulge in Coke. But I NEVER thought I'd do Crack. It just seemed dirty, and wrong to me. I've always joked about crack whores, and crack heads, but to actually experience it seemed taboo to me.

But when two of my friends came over to my house on Christmas bringing an unknown thug, I knew something was gonna go down. We sat around and talked exchanging stories, and then exchanging numbers (Turns out the thug is a dealer and lived two houses down from me!). Quite randomly the thug pulled out of his pocket three small crack rocks.

They were hard, white, and they looked like pieces of plastic. I couldn't believe it when he said he'd sell it to me for 20 bucks. I understand coke prices very well, and so the idea of getting something with coke in it for 20 sounded awesome.

(Now to help you understand I'll explain myself a bit. I'm a girl. I'm 5'0 and 110 pounds. I'm also pretty young. It's definitely not legal to sell me cigarettes. I can smoke weed with the best of them, but I always feel like I have to prove myself to my guy friends at times. I'm ashamed to say it, but its true.)

So, I slipped a twenty in a pocket and one of my friends handed me his pipe. I was afraid of it melting and me swallowing it so I put a lil cigarette tobacco on the bottom then loaded one rock. I hit it and as I inhaled the sound of it melting filled my ears. I couldn't really feel it entering my lungs. It was very smooth. I felt a lil tipsy and my lips and tongue felt numb. I sorta felt like I had drank Jaeger and rubbed some coke on my lips and gums.

Aside from my stomach hurting a bit, I loaded up another rock and proceeded to hit it. At this point the tipsy feeling increased slightly, but it was not what I expected. I expected a coke like feeling. The somewhat euphoric, horny, speedy feeling that I'm so used to. I didn't see the big deal. I just kept saying, 'Why do people like this?' and my friends were egging me on to do some more.

So I finished off the last rock and felt very drunk. I gripped the car I had been leaning on and my mouth felt so numb that I wondered if I was speaking properly. I tried to get my friends to leave, but they were very insistent on staying and watching me (but not in the friendly way). I was on my guard and felt slight paranoia.

After about five minutes the drunk feeling dissipated and I just felt...numb? It's a hard feeling to explain, but it wasn't a high... But it wasn't a low either. I was just...there?
After about five minutes the drunk feeling dissipated and I just felt...numb? It's a hard feeling to explain, but it wasn't a high... But it wasn't a low either. I was just...there?
I don't think it's possible to explain it. I was feeling sick to my stomach and my legs were shaking. I felt like people were mocking me, and so I kicked my friends out.

I went back inside to my room and lay down listening to how fast my heart was beating and wondering if something was wrong with me. I was smoking crack on Christmas. I was a stoner, a hippie, a child of peace.. Not a crack whore. But the feeling of my heart beating so hard and fast, and I felt just... numb as I previously attempted to explain.

I ended up cleaning up the kitchen with my dad and I was trying so hard to speak properly. I know I was, but when I moved my lips I couldn't feel it. And when my dad hugged me I jerked away. Being touched seemed so...strange. quickly excused myself and ran back to my room.

I began feeling very weak soon after. The back of my head was throbbing (right at spot where your head connects to your spine) and eventually I felt like I had a migraine. My legs were shaking slightly (Though it could have just been my nerves), and I couldn't write. Also, my stomach was doing back flips. I felt like if I could just vomit I'd feel so much better.

A friend came over to stay with me and we hung out and I told her what happened. She was quite shocked, but heavily amused. I felt really sick by the time she got over though, and she helped take care of me and after a few hours I was fine. I felt pretty bad, but after a few hours it did go away and I was fine again. It was just like it never happened. I'm not sure if it was just the 'hangover' of doing it, or the withdrawals from doing so much.

I then proceeded to robo trip (DXM) with my said friend and enjoyed a light buzz off that. I passed out shortly after and now I'm writing this. I don't know why, but I want to try it again. I even entertained the thought of fucking that thug for more so I wouldn't have to pay. I don't plan on doing it again, but the thought of it is still floating around in the back of my head. I'm sure though if I don't do it again the thoughts will fade away eventually.
I don't plan on doing it again, but the thought of it is still floating around in the back of my head. I'm sure though if I don't do it again the thoughts will fade away eventually.

I'll give you a simple time line of the events that occurred yesterday.

4:11>> My friends came over and I smoked the crack.
4:16>> The drunk feeling was in full effect.
4:21>> The drunk feeling was starting to fade away.
4:30 to 8:00>> I felt very sick.
8:00 to 12:00>> The sickness started going away.
2:00>> I chugged some DXM.
4:00>> I passed out.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 67969
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 26, 2015Views: 8,323
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Crack (82) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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