by FS
Citation:   FS. "Sleep-Trance: An Experience with Cannabis (exp65568)". Jan 11, 2022.

1 cig. smoked Cannabis (flowers)
It was 11 at night on a Saturday and I was sleepy, when a friend called. He told me a friend of ours had an empty house. His parents were away until the morning. We could smoke our pot there, he said, or the next day at a bush party. I decided immediately for the free house. Our circle was meeting again.

Well, I'm not the typical pot smoker, neither is anyone in the circle. We were all good kids and new to drugs, having done nothing but marijuana about five times and, of course, alcohol, tobacco and caffeine. I was the least typical. Drugs fascinate me, so I knew a lot more than the others about their effects. Among this small circle, I was the guy who usually smoked a little and passed out.

Yeah I could be a little dull when high, but I was the only one holding on to any rolling papers. We in the Circle pitched in for a half ounce, and had been smoking it gradually with the help of a hookah. This time, the guy with the hookah was out of town. I rolled my own cigarettes, but quit because I was worried about my health. Still, this was good practice, and I was pumped to try my rolling skills on a real smoke!

We arrived at the free house around midnight. Joining the circle were two who never tried weed before, and they brought booze. Nervous and excited, I ranted on about marijuana, much to the amusement of everyone.

'Fucking druggy', they joked.

The pot was divided into bags, one for each member who pitched in for the half-oz. We offered some to the newbies, only one of who joined us in rolling. We rolled one joint each. For me, it was much easier than rolling a tobacco cigarette. The others were having trouble, so I offered to roll for them. They declined: no matter how shitty their joints turned out, they were going to take pride in their own work.

'Smells like spinach', said the newbie rolling.

'Yeah, it would make a great kitchen spice,' I replied.

'Fucking druggy.'

We went to the garden, Gatorade in hand, eager to pollute the air. I was annoyed my joint kept on going out after each puff, even though it was the most well constructed. With the sound of coughs filling the air, I offered a puff to the newbie who decided to stay out. When he returned it to me, it stayed lit. I found this amusing, so I knew it was starting to affect me. I finished it and tossed the roach across the fence. The garden seemed very big, and the stars were brighter than usual. I felt great, being the only one not to cough. Turning my head felt weird.

Once inside, I told everyone to leave their shoes outside in case they smelled like weed. This was a vital importance, I thought. Everyone was in the door, and deja-vu hit me. By deja-vu I mean that I felt that everything happening around me I had seen before in a dream. In fact, I had talked to someone earlier that day about dreams I had the night before. One dream I described, and the other was just out the reach of my memory. I couldn't remember it, but I assured her it was crazy. Here I was, and this crazy dream was being played out in front of my eyes!
Here I was, and this crazy dream was being played out in front of my eyes!
I stood in a doorway, everyone else talking normally, my head spinning. Holy fuck, I though, I stopped smoking and I am still getting higher! I couldn't tell what everyone else was saying, but it still felt like I had dreamed their conversation earlier.

I told everyone to never try PCP. I saw a gruesome picture earlier that day of a man who had torn all the skin off his face because he did PCP. He survived because of the huge amounts of PCP killing the pain. This picture was to haunt me the rest of the night.

The excited mood I had earlier in the night was now subdued, replaced by tiredness. The deja-vu was strong, and it was starting to become creepy.

I went into the next room, because the eerie deja-vu dream-feeling was strongest when I heard people talking. Thoughts were racing in my head and I could not focus on the moment. It felt like I was taking ages to sit down in a chair. My mouth was open, and it felt dry, like a desert. Gatorade helped for a second. I put on some music, I don't remember what it was now. I imagined or heard everyone else in the next room saying how I always go off on my own when I was high and put on music. They were laughing at me, and it was unsettling. The lights were too bright, I turned them off. I wanted music to be the only stimulus. My mind felt like it was lost on a vast ocean. All this from one joint!

I sat there for what felt like an hour. I was thinking so many thoughts at once that I could not focus on the present. My vision was cut up, I saw something and I would recall something else linked to it so vividly that it interfered with my vision. It's hard to explain. Everything was messing with my head.

The newbie to whom I offered one puff came in the room. Everyone else was gone, I couldn't hear them talking. I remembered they were talking about rolling more joints, and I reasoned they must have gone outside to smoke more weed. Fucking druggies!

The newbie was worried that the marijuana might make him do something crazy. I tried to reassure him, but I couldn't finish a sentence without being distracted by a million thoughts. I had a sip of gatorade, and I remembered how I dreamed this exact sip the night before. The newbie put on a song, 'The Way I Are', by Timbaland. He started to sing along, and I was amazed. How did he know the words to this song, and since when was his voice so deep?

'Wow, you're so high!' he said.

I just said, 'Yeah!'

Then I started thinking, it's not normal for someone to be so high off of one joint, is it? Sure, I held the smoke in longer than everyone else, but this was still weird. The weed had put me in a trance. What if the weed I had was laced with PCP? Will I tear my own face off? I started imagining the picture I saw of the skinless-faced man very clearly, red, grinning an evil grin. I felt like I was having a million conversations with myself, one side saying I must have gotten laced weed, the other telling me it was ridiculous, if my weed was laced, why isn't anyone else nuts right now? We did all smoke from the same batch.

The newbie went away. I listened to 'The Way I Are' again, amazed by the quality of the music. All of a sudden, it felt like I was falling backwards. It took me a second to realize I was just leaning back in my chair. When I moved my arm a little, it felt like it was doing a huge sweep. It was time to block off more stimuli. I turned off the music and crawled into a bed.

I believe I fell asleep for a time, but I have no idea how long. When I got up, I was in the state that I usually am after a long sleep, groggy, still half-dreaming, not wanting to move. I could see it was still night, and a clock told me it was only about an hour since I had arrived. I'm sure I was reading the clock wrong, I usually have trouble figuring them out when I'm high.

I was in a sort of sleep-trance, and at times I couldn't tell if my eyes were open or closed. I'm not sure of the sequence of certain events. At one point I had a dream or I imagined something - it was an L-shape in a black background. One of the arms of the L was black and one was white, and they kept on switching. Somehow, this thing was supposed to be infinity. Marijuana was trying to show me infinity through my dreams, I felt, and it could only take me so far. This scared me.

I knew my sense of time was messed up, and I thought I might have smoked Salvia. After all, I had heard that people forget they take Salvia when they are under its effects, and I was seeing/dreaming things out of the ordinary. I felt like I couldn't move, and I thought I was on a 3rd- or 4th-plateau DXM trip. After all, I heard that people find it hard to move that high. Always there was the horrifying image of the man who tore his face off on PCP. I hoped that I didn't take PCP. I hoped to God - but I realized I was an atheist, so I hoped to the ominous black and white L-shape. I just didn't want to tear my face off! I stood back and thought I was crazy, I knew I had never even tried those drugs before.

These thoughts followed one another for what felt like an hour before everyone else burst into the room. They couldn't move me from the bed, and I couldn't wake myself fully. Eventually I got up, still feeling like I was asleep. I moved to a couch upstairs. Someone accompanied me. I went up and down the stairs. I thought that I was looking around and stumbling everywhere, but the guy accompanying me told me I just walked straight up and down. I tried to explain to him what I was feeling, that I had dreamed that I nearly saw eternity.

'That's deep, man', he said.

Thanks, I thought. He didn't understand, but at least he wasn't calling me a fucking druggy.

I slept on the couch, undisturbed. Even the irritating hyperactive dog in the house left me alone, but not before chewing on my glasses. It could tell I couldn't move.

I woke up a while later after a dreamless sleep and the pot was wearing off. Yes, when I moved around it still felt odd, and yes, my thoughts were still racing, but I could tell myself to snap out of it. I had slept or just laid in a trance for what felt like days, and I was still exhausted.

I went to check on everyone and I saw the last two people from our little circle. One lived in the house, and was trying to calm down the other, who was ranting on, drunk as hell, about some girl. I'm not the most messed up person here anymore, I thought. I checked the time: only 3 a.m. It had been only three hours! I said my goodbyes to them and finally left.

This was the strangest of my highs, and it made me respect marijuana as more than just a way to get high. I was very eager to move on to psychedelics: LSD, shrooms, or whatever, but that night showed me that sometimes a little pot is enough.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 65568
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 11, 2022Views: 486
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