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Now It Took the Best of Me
Citation:   redeemer. "Now It Took the Best of Me: An Experience with DMT (exp64836)". Feb 7, 2018.

T+ 0:00
20 mg smoked DMT
  T+ 6:00 40 mg smoked DMT
  T+ 0:00     Unknown
I am very experienced psychonaut and this wasnt the first experience of this substance. First time I smoked 46 mg and it wasnt anything special, quite interesting visuals in 3D. Second time was 20 mg and like last time I was fully aware of myself and surroundings

I had earlier smoked 20 mg and about six hours later I smoked 40 mg and that hitted me harder than anything else in my life (well besides 5-Meo-DMT, but then I wasnt aware of myself so I couldnt suffer). My eyes were open but I didnt see anything about my true surrounding. I was totally surrounded of uncountable entities, like mechanical plants wich grew with outstanding velocity (imagine open your palm and there would pop out new hand, thats how they grew). I just barely knew who I am but I were scared as hell, like didnt knew what the fuck was happening and why. This hit totally surprised me.

These intense visuals got few degrees powerful because they touched me and I could feel them physically. as I said earlier my 'false' surrounding was full of these entities (like tens of thousands near and far away from me) and they touched me every were. not like hurting me but more like grapping me and pulling quite hard, whole the time and constantly. I just constantly wished that please end please end. Lucky me the exerience sustained like 7 minutes, but it was so intense that I couldnt bare it for a second, mostly because I wasnt ready for it, I like didnt believe that this amount of substance could do this. I have taken greater amount earlier but effects then were not nearly comparable of this time.

I have never before experienced 'visuals' which can even touch me. It was way too bizarre... Way too bizarre. Next time when I take DMT I will be very very careful. Just want to let you know, DMT surprised me with this smaller amount.

Setting wasnt actually the greatest possible, actually it was the baddest time to do this, I was kind of disappointed and in hurry. Luckily I had sedatives so got my self calm.

Graziest experience and the more intense in my whole life, but this was not good, this was bad very bad. well now I will take everything easy for a while. I have to say DMT is the most powerfull psychedelic In the world.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 64836
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 7, 2018Views: 2,035
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DMT (18) : General (1), Bad Trips (6), Unknown Context (20)

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