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Not Worth the Next Day Hangover
Kratom (15x Extract)
Citation:   Xnaught. "Not Worth the Next Day Hangover: An Experience with Kratom (15x Extract) (exp64065)". Feb 28, 2008.

0.5 g oral Kratom (extract)
Subject: 34 year old male in very good physical condition. Not a user of alcohol, caffeine, or nicotine.

Setting: A pleasant early summer evening in a backyard garden and on a comfortable sofa in front of the stereo. Solitary. Very relaxed following a day of unstressfull work, bicycling, jogging, and yoga.

Preparation: Half a gram (0.5g) of 15x Kratom extract steeped for five minutes in one cup of boiled water. Honey and another cup of cold water added. Consumed in a minute or two.

Experience: The tea wasn't bad tasting. Much like a slightly bitter tea.

Consumed at 7:00pm. No other chemicals in my system.

T+ 0:10: I feel slight waves of exhilaration, paired with the beginning or a pleasant warmth.

T+ 0:20: A heavy stoning has set in. I take a quick shower and emerge to begin a dreamy evening.

T+ 0:50: Showered and clothed in shorts and a tee shirt, I go into the backyard to enjoy the warm evening. I spend some time weeding the garden and pick a few blueberries. The effect of the Kratom feels like codeine or percocet, with an extra dulling of the brain. The intensity peaks around this time.

T+ 1:50: I entertain taking a walk or going for a casual bike ride or perhaps reading, but never seem to take the initiative to embark on any of these tasks. Instead, I find myself laying on the sofa, listening to some ambient drone and sound collage recordings.

T+ 3:30: Much more time has passed than I expected. I rouse myself from the couch and go to the basement to plug in the guitar and play a bit. I find myself working with simple repeated phrases with lots of reverb and delay. Calm. Feeling a bit less stoning. Still enjoying myself.

T+ 4:30: Start feeling I should go to bed. First, I get online and order more Kratom. Ten more grams of 15x extract will soon be on its way. I'm eager to share the experience with friends.

T+ 5:15: I put myself to bed and quickly fall asleep.


T+ 14:30: Wake at 9:30am, a couple hours later than usual. It's hard to motivate to get out of bed, which is not typical for me. I'm usually up and beginning the day within minutes of waking. Today I am sluggish.

T+ 15:30: Finally up and out walking the dog. I feel hung over. I'm somewhat depressed. I feel an undercurrent of anxiety. My limbs are heavy. Existence is unpleasant.

T+ 15:45: I notice I'm easily frustrated. Normally, I feel relaxed walking my dog. Today, I'm quick to be annoyed. Other people, dogs, traffic, and even the sunshine are getting under my skin. I force myself to take deep breaths and try to relax.

T+ 16:45: I should be working. I can't concentrate. I can't focus. I feel disassociated from my surroundings. I feel like garbage. I notice a slight nausea. Still depressed. Still low level anxiety.

T+ 18:00: I force myself to eat. The nausea increases. I develop a headache. I take two Tylenol. I continue to try to work. No improvement mentally.

T+ 20:00: I give up on working and go for a short bike ride. I become a bit lost in my own neighborhood. Nothing seems familiar. My brain feels dull. I go home and feel like a fool for having ordered more Kratom before checking my state the day after.

T+ 21:00: I feel exhausted and fall asleep on the couch.

T+ 24:30: I wake from the nap, and decide to salvage the day with a bike ride. I'm feeling somewhat better, but still mentally uncomfortable. The bike ride becomes a 30 mile loop ending at sunset. I notice that at times while riding I actually feel good.

T+ 27:00: Back from biking, I play guitar again. Still a bit dull in the head. Still slightly disassociated.

T+ 29:00: Going to bed feeling like I wasted a beautiful day by feeling like garbage. Hoping a good night's sleep finds me back to myself tomorrow. I will definitely not be going back to Kratom. Not sure what to do when my order arrives. I don't want to subject any friends to this. Maybe I'll give it to my enemies.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 64065
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 28, 2008Views: 30,737
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Kratom (203) : Alone (16), First Times (2), Post Trip Problems (8), Hangover / Days After (46), Depression (15)

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