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Something Blissful
Oxymorphone (Opana ER)
Citation:   Jonny C. "Something Blissful: An Experience with Oxymorphone (Opana ER) (exp63839)". Jun 20, 2007.

  insufflated Pharms - Oxymorphone (ground / crushed)
So it was given to me by a friend, there were for of us, we split one 40mg Opana ER into 4 pieces, we railed a quarter pill each. I threw up something terrible after about 40 minutes, but the feeling is as close to heroin as I get. I get morphine trips, they're fun. It was incredibly powerful, so much more powerful than any opiate I've ever tried, I haven’t tried heroin, but I reckon this is as close as I get. The feeling of amazingness was overwhelming. Complete bliss. It is the most amazing sense of relaxation I've ever had, pure bliss.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 63839
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 20, 2007Views: 19,558
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Pharms - Oxymorphone (221) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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