Wow Not at All What I Expected
Citation:   Tripoutrjd. "Wow Not at All What I Expected: An Experience with Zolpidem (exp63182)". Sep 14, 2018.

T+ 0:00
10 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:10 10 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:35 1 cig. smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
  T+ 0:55 1 cig. smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
I am 15 years old I have a slight expirence with psychedelics and especially pills Ive been doing pills for about2-3 years Ive been doing pills since about 7th grade. I remember a couple months ago finding a bottle of Ambien in my moms dresser. So I decided to look up the chemical name on google. Then I found Zolpidem and I saw a bunch of stories how it causes hallucinations and shit. I also noticed it said about 10mg for a 200 pound man or so.

I took one 10 mg tablet.

T+0:05 I diddn't feel any different I continued to type on instant massager

T+0:10 I got frustrated because of the lack of affect it had on me so I took another 10mg tablet.

T+0:25 I see the screen move a little and I think I feel the affects of this little white pill.

T+0:35 I know now that I feel the affects of the pill. I see a little kid jump over my shoulder in all red and a backwards red hat. I decide its too much for me. So I got outside for a cigarette. Considering it was the strongest hallucinations Ive had off anything and my mom would be home from work in like 30 or so minutes I was pretty stressed and needed the cigarette. When I'm outside having my butt I start thinking I'm seeing people or children peeking at me over the railing at me. I try to walk over there and I find it hard to walk over as if I'm drunk, so I stumble over and once I get to the railing of my deck I notice the hallucination disappears and it was just a cover for my pool that had slight lumps in it that I thought were heads.

T+0:55 I come back in and I forget at the time I just had a cigarette so I go in my room and have another cigarette.

T+1:00 (time is a educated guess) I think I here or I really did hear my moms garage door open. I drop my cigarette and burn my bed I slowly pick it up because I have slow reflexes at the time and I put it out as quickly as I can. I immediately spray plenty of axe (spray on deodorant for those who don't know)and pretend to be asleep.

T1:01 My mom comes into my room and tells me to take the trash barrel to the side of the road for the trash people in the morning. I find it very hard to walk outside ,and since I don't feel like having my mom notice I'm high or drunk as she would see for the way I was walking, I decide to only take 1 of the two barrels to the side of the road.

T:1:10 I decide to try to sleep as I heard this is a sleep aid and I'd figure it would be easy to sleep on them, it wasn't. I have this vent thing in my room that has light flowing in from the living room in my house. I would constantly look at it and notice it was moving so I would turn on the light in my room and watch the source of the light. I would proceed to watch the light in its exact location and then turn off the lights to see if its location changes. It seems my eyes have wandered as the light moves so I decide to turn the lights back on and it seems my eyes are in the exact same spot they were when the lights were on. I repeat this process many times until I fall asleep

All in all this was a good high and I will definitely do it a few more times but Ill wait a while between each high for I heard it was very addictive. Keep in mind my times were probably very inaccurate because it seemed I had a lot of amnesia like symptoms. I just recently remebered of what happened that night. I confirmed it with my little brother.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 63182
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 15
Published: Sep 14, 2018Views: 1,597
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Pharms - Zolpidem (143) : General (1), First Times (2), Various (28)

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