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Midday Uplift
Citation:   odonamon. "Midday Uplift: An Experience with Methylphenidate (exp62163)". Nov 6, 2007.

T+ 0:00
20 mg insufflated Pharms - Methylphenidate (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:15 20 mg insufflated Pharms - Methylphenidate (pill / tablet)
I had a day off in the middle of the week and had nothing to do, so I hit up the internet to see if I had anything to spice up my midday. I searched my medicine cabinet to find that my wife had grabbed 40 mg of her brothers Ritalin (this must have been 5 years ago because the bottle said to take by 2002). After reviewing the experiences I decided the pros outweigh the cons. All doses are insufflated.

Took 2 10mg pills:

Nothing happened in the timeframe some reports stated (5-10 minutes, should feel the rush) so I looked online to see what the shelf life was, 2 YEARS! I was bummed thinking I had just snorted an unpleasant tasting substance for not. But as I was in the middle of my internet search on the shelf life, it hit me. It was sudden, and heavy but not overbearing. I continued my search on the diminishing effects of aged Ritalin. The effects were good, similar to coke like a lot of experiences stated. Good rush, energy and euphoria. I decide to take the last 20 mg. I would have saved the rest for my wife but she is pregnant so I didn’t feel bad binging.

Took second 2 10mg dose, 15 minutes after initial dose.

I am writing this as the second wave hits. It is good but not as strong as I hoped. It seems to come in waves though so I am not done yet.

All in all a good high. Nothing too special but a nice bump in the middle of the day.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 62163
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 6, 2007Views: 31,393
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Pharms - Methylphenidate (114) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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