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Bucks Night
Cannabis & Alcohol - Beer
Citation:   Columbia. "Bucks Night: An Experience with Cannabis & Alcohol - Beer (exp61249)". Mar 28, 2019.

  repeated oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
    repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Ok, I’ll start off by saying I’m not a hardcore drug user. But basically, I've decided to post an experience for every substance I've done. However, I'm going to post two of each, one reflecting a good experience, and one reflecting the bad (I'm pretty sure I've had both good and bad on all the things I've done).

This time is one of the first really memorable drug experiences I’ve had. It was sometime in August. One of my brothers best friends (and a friend of mine) Steve, (not his real name), was getting married in September. He had organized for a group of fella’s to go to Great Keppel Island (an Island along the Great Barrier Reef) for his Bucks Party. This was also the last weekend I’d have with my brother before he moved south. I was in a 3 year relationship at that time, and it was constantly up and down. It had been a struggle for the past few months and I decided to use the weekend as a get away from her/the relationship. (It was also a problem to actually go on the thing without getting in trouble from her) That was just to help set up the mood of the moment.

We get in the car on Saturday (after a big night at the pub) and drive to the Marina. We decide to have a few pints before heading over there. Then we get on the boat, and drink a couple more. We arrive on the Island, settle into the cabin, and sink down one or two more beers. Just relaxing, chit chatting about life and good times, and taking in the ambience of the afternoon. We head down to the beach, kick the soccer ball around and watch the sunset. Just a general wind down.

Then we head back to the cabin. Steve, as anticipated, had bought a bit of cannabis. I’m not entirely sure how much he brought though it didn’t look like much. (He had also sold me 20 grams of Hydro for $50 about two weeks before, He’s just generous) He passed around a packed pipe full of this rather strong bud, and I was the first to have it. Now, I’d only smoked weed for the first time earlier that week, and barely got stoned. So this was a little bit daunting to do it in front of these people who’d been doing it for years. Nonetheless, it all went down, coughed a little bit towards the end, the past it on to my brother. Sank another beer as the pipe was passed around. Around the time it had made a full circle, two rather attractive British Backpackers came to our cabin to ask us if we wanted to join them at the bar. We said we’d meet them down there in a couple of hours. We passed it around another time, and I started to feel a bit of a buzz going. As Steve kept playing guitar, Rick (also not his real name) kept handing me a packed pipe. It was just Rick and David, (Steve’s brother) and I still going on it after the third cone. By my 6th , I was feeling quite blitzed. Walking inside the cabin as the mixed up shots, I started to spasm slightly. It became quite apparent to them that I was fucking stoned! After kicking it around, maybe another beer going down, and another cone or two we headed down to the bar.

Now, the effects I was feeling at this point were amazing. I’ve never felt this good from a night out. The closet thing that I can come to explain how good I felt was by comparing it to a good E. Minus the teeth clenching, and sweating. Though I didn’t know how ecstasy felt at that point. Anyway, we got to the bar, and there was a band playing. My brother and I were friends with the singer. The music I heard was so fucking good. Honestly, I’d never felt that good from hearing music in my life, and I’m a big music listener. Steve and I are similar in that respect, and he and I were the only ones left watching the band after a certain amount time. It was becoming clear to me that everyone else was also quite out of it, though in a different way. Steve just drag himself around with a big grin on his face in a state of what seemed to be delirium. Rick was quite jolly and still quite with it, though obviously stoned. My brother Michael, and David seemed to be more drunk than anything. They had met up with the girls and were getting along very well. Mark, was the oldest by far, but still got a little bit stoned and drunk. After the band finished I went inside and drank a couple vodka and red bulls with David, then one with Brian, the singer.

We made our way to the islands other bar. It starts to blur a bit around this time. I can’t really remember how it happened, but somehow, Steve, my brother, Brian the singer, and I went up to a room which was rented out by some of Steve’s other friends. They loaded up a bong, and everyone had a cone from this. The next hour from this is a blur. I remember going back downstairs. Seeing everyone again. Then everyone I know is gone and I’m on my own wandering around. I think at this point I went looking for snacks (to no avail though, everything was shut and there are no vending machines…painful.) I made my way back to the cabin, and I find my brother, and David, still quite close to these girls, I let them be and went for a walk down to the beach. When I returned, they had all gone to bed which left me no real reason to be out, so I called it a night as well.

When I got up the next day, I heard everyone’s story on how their night went. Steve got incredibly out of it. Threw up and passed out in the shower Rick held up alright, just got a bit tired. David ended up trying to fight someone when a bloke took the backpackers back to their room. Michael called it quits after having to put David to bed. And Mark apparently told off some people he knew before going to bed. Basically what I learned from this is how powerful the combination of cannabis and alcohol can be. And how cannabis is a substance which effects are really determined by state of mind. I’ve smoked a fair bit of pot since then, and it’s never really been quite the same feeling. Even when I do combine alcohol with it. It was a great night, although one that could never really be recreated. I know it’s a little long, but I thought it might be a nice story that a few people might be able to relate to.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 61249
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 28, 2019Views: 855
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Cannabis (1), Alcohol - Beer/Wine (199) : General (1), First Times (2), Combinations (3), Glowing Experiences (4), Music Discussion (22), Various (28)

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