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Citation:   Ciclotimia. "Paranoiabutter: An Experience with Cannabis (exp6071)". Feb 8, 2002.

3.0 g oral Cannabis (extract)
(Sorry for my english, i live in argentina my language is spanish)

Ive been using drugs such as alcohol, caffeine, cannabis, lsd, inhalants, benzodiazepines, coke(just once), crack(just once) and some others that i dont remember. But the point is that i have some experience and for about 4 years i'd only had one bad trip and it wasnt that bad.

Well, yesterday i was alone and sober and as i didnt have to go to school the next day i wanted to smoke some pot, watch tv and go to bed, but i couldnt do it here because my mum was here and outside was rainin like hell. So i decided to make some butter with the weed and wait to get a little high (ive done this once before and it was just perfect). I got a piece of butter (like 6cm x 3cm x 1cm)and put it in a bowl with a bit more than 3 grms of cannabis (3grms = 3 joints?), i realized that i had too much weed so i put a bit more butter and started to boil it. When the bubbles came up i hold it there for a few minutes (6 minutes maybe)and then i put it in a glass full with water to separete the weed from the butter already full of thc. i put the glass in the freezer for five minutes and when it was solid butter again i ate it with some crackers.

For 40 minutes i was perfectly normal so i thought that maybe id boiled it too much. but after 20 minutes i started to feel very hungry and i thought what? that is it? im in the come down already?, so I ate a lot until i started to feel a little high and i was very happy that the butter had kicked in perfectly. but that wasnt it, i was gettin higher and higher every minute and i didnt like it because i was alone and i didnt have many interesting things to do.

An hour later i went to bed to watch some tv and relax, but i knew that something was really wrong, my body was trembling a lot and my heart was really fast, i couldnt see anything because i was feeling the bed floating in the air. at this point i knew i was having a panic attack, i was so fuckin nervous cause i was lonely i didnt know what to do, so i talked to myself about what was happening and that i was having a bad experience, that everything was gonna be ok so i shouldnt worry. But the feeling was so strong...

I knew i should do somethin cause otherwise i knew i was going to scream a lot for help, and my mum would see me so fuckin stoned, and i didnt want that. so i played the guitar but every sound was so sad it wasn't working. then i looked for somebody on the net to chat with and thank god a friend of mine that lives very near was there. i could hardly use the keyboard with my hand tremblin so bad and my hurt trying to get out of my body...i couldnt read very well my eyes were very fucked up. i was really ashamed of what i was going through but it was the only thing i could do, so i asked her to come over and she said it was too late (3am, 2 hours since i ate the butter), so i started to feel worse, my hole body was tremblin very very fast and i was freakin out, i told her i was havin a real hard panic attack and a paranoia feeling so she said she whould be here in 5 minutes...but i couldnt wait that long, i

went downstairs i walked all over the kitchen for a long long time tryin to calm down but that was imposibl. sudenly my friend came over and asked if i was ok, i told her how i felt but i realized that i could talk, words just wouldnt come out so i see her face and she was really scared. i drank some water, my throat was so dry and started to feel a bit normal and then i could talk so i told her everything and she told me to go to bed but i didnt want to be alone again, i knew i would freak out again, so she stayed with me for about 2 hours and i couldnt belive i was still very high (4 hours since i ate the butter)

I tried to sleep while she was here with me cause i knew it was the only way i could calm down but everytime i was fallin asleep i suddenly opened my eyes and everythin looked so wierd, i saw a lot of shadows, the tv looked so far away. i didnt like it at all, i just wanted it to go away. At 5:30am she said she should go home and i was still high, but i thought she had already done a lot, so she went and i was feeling better. i tried to sleep and some minutes later a was sleeping.

What ive learned of all this is that i had a panic attack because i didnt belive that eating cannabis was so much stronger than smoking so i wasnt warned about this, and i was alone with nothing to do that think, and my brain was thinking too fast that i coulnd haddle it. If i had to go trough this alone the hole time i think i wouldnt make it (i had a lot of suicide thoughts), so i warn you guys, eating cannabis is not the same shit that smokin it, so dont wait for a relax feelin and a few laughings, i woulnd say its a real trip like lsd, but its not too diferent.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 6071
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 8, 2002Views: 19,145
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Cannabis (1) : Difficult Experiences (5), Preparation / Recipes (30), Various (28)

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