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Everything New
Amanita muscaria
Citation:   Thomas Hunterson. "Everything New: An Experience with Amanita muscaria (exp60195)". Mar 5, 2010.

8 g oral Amanitas - A. muscaria (dried)
    repeated smoked Cannabis (dried)
We had gathered at Kyle's house, after leaving Kelly's house, nearly 1:00 am. Jon was still going on about his new 'legal' mushrooms, as he had been for the past few hours. Eventually, Kyle started to get interested in trying them, and urged me to try them with him.

I had no reasons to be skeptical of these interesting little mushroom caps, so I took the first dosage Jon gave us (3 caps of roughly 1g each), and ground it up in a grinder, then mixed the little crumbs with some peanut butter. It tasted a little bad, but not intolerable.

After sitting around for about 10 minutes, Kyle appeared to be getting antsy, and wanted more for a sure, full on trip. He ground us another 3g each, and we made it into a little game by competing to find who could eat the pile of ground up mushroom first. We pinched a bit, and chewed. It tasted really dry and gross, but we chased it with lemonade.

Kyle still wasn't satisfied (although our initial consumption had been only 30 min before), and he wanted to straight shot it, by just mixing another 2g each in water. This concoction tasted awfully peculiar. I didn't mind it, but I didn't care for it either. (Note: after regular usage of a fair amount of Amanitas in this form, separataed by about 4 days each in concurrence with one another, it slowly started becoming more intolerable, to the point that the mere sight of a mushroom-water mix makes me sick to my stomach.)

I sat down in Kyle's black leatherman, and zoned out to the music. I was a little dissapointed with the effects. I felt good, but it wasn't anything too different than a Cannabis high (which we had been consistently smoking at various times). The room was dimly lit from Kyle's kitchen table chandelier. I listened to the music, and stared intently at the visualizer on Kyle's computer. I watched the same patterns I had always seen on any given visualizer, not seeing anything unordinary or exciting.

I had been staring at that uncaptivating visualizer for 20 min before I realized I was staring. I shook my head, and looked around the room.

'Gasp!' ZANG! 'Whoah...' Anybody who's tripped before, can testify that those three words are exactly what goes on the second you realize you're tripping.

The room had been vitalized. Everything pulsed with its own energy and significance. Everything This lead Kyle and I to explode into a an excited frenzy of exploring his captivating apartment. I looked a roll of paper towels, with cartoonish looking cats on them. I remarked that the paper towels were 'weird,' which confused a sober member of the group. He asked me what it looked like, thinking I was seeing it change shape or something that one would expect from LSD(which I have never experienced). I replied that they look like paper towels, but they just had a 'weird' aura, like the 'same kind of weirdness surrounding hardcore computer geek.' I remarked (no offense). I'm not sure if he got what I was saying. I can remember full well the feelings the paper towels alone conveyed in me.

I turned around, and faced Kyle's entertainment center, which was the anchor for his chain of christmas lights strung along the wall of this room. They appeared to be writhing like a snake. This sight was similar to optical illusions on paper: if you stared hard, it would stop, but if I just casually stared at them weakly, they appeared to writhe along the wall.

I called out to Kyle to come see this. His reaction was misleading at first, as he stared at the lights encompassing the room: hm. that's great. they're moving!
This startled me, that he was seeing the same thing I was. It was a weird mental experience, to know that he felt and was experiencing the same sensations I was with this drug.

The rest of the night was spent appraising every object in eyesight, as everything had its own 'feeling' that it emitted. These 'feelings' weren't our run-of-the-mill emotions. I'm talking about new and uplifting, and fully unique 'feelings' were emitted from each object.

I woke to Kyle getting ready for work, with Jon asleep on the floor. Apparently, I had only been asleep for 3.5 hours. When I got up and walked home, I felt at peace.

Those poisonous little mushrooms had changed me. I saw the world a little differently that day, as everything seemed to work in harmony with everything. I was no longer the center of my own universe. I was no longer the main component of my own life. I seemed to play a mere roll, and the energy of the world took over, and played its part in my life concurrently with the rest of time and space.

I got inside my house, dropped all my things, and began laughing hysterically. I didn't know why, and immediately afer realizing I was laughing (which seemed to eminate from nothing, and lasted a solid 2 or 3 min), I stopped abruptly. I gathered my things, and went to bed for the first time in what was at this point 67 hours. My dreams comforted me, and I continued on with my life after waking up.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 60195
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 5, 2010Views: 7,043
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Sleep Deprivation (140), Amanitas - A. muscaria (70) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Multi-Day Experience (13), General (1)

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