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Good Aphrodisiac/Mood Enhancing Tryptamine
Citation:   psilocybonaut. "Good Aphrodisiac/Mood Enhancing Tryptamine: An Experience with 4-MeO-MiPT (exp58956)". Feb 22, 2007.

28 mg insufflated 4-MeO-MiPT (powder / crystals)
I received a 50 milligram sample of 4-MeO-MiPT Fumarate a few days ago. Last night, my girlfriend and I each tried snorting an amount of it.

From what I've heard of this substance, it is a tryptamine with effects somewhat similar to 5-MeO-DiPT (foxy) from what I have heard so far. There are not many human trials, and notably NONE that used insufflation, so that's why I'm writing this up.

This is my first trip report ever, so bear with me....
It was me and my girlfriend (who is not nearly as experienced with psychedelics). I snorted 28mg and she snorted around 22mg of the 4-MeO-MiPT Fumarate. The chemical burned our noses and the drip tasted thoroughly bad, leading my girlfriend to vomit a few hours later. I had to drink soda for about 20 minutes to get rid of the drip, and I snorted a little water 40 minutes after to get rid of the burn, though it was already going away slowly. The chemical took about 20 minutes or so to kick in.

I think 4-MeO-MiPT could be explored further as an antidepressant, a definite erotic enhancer/aphrodisiac, a social lubricant, or just a 'feelgood' type of tryptamine. It lasted a few hours, I didn't really pay attention to time however. Me and my girlfriend enjoyed it. I felt a little bit like I was under the influence of a tryptamine, my pupils were dilated too, and I was getting giggles/hysterics, but there was absolutely no visual activity except for the normal effects of dilated pupils (things seem brighter). I had some of the best sex I've had in a damn while (3 times), and I could tell that my drive and pleasure was enhanced from the tryptamine. True aphrodisiac power I think. There was an ecstacy-like vibe to the feeling, maybe empathogenic effects (there is no unneeded stimulation or amphetamine-like effects from this one though). There was a strange 'good' feeling throughout my whole body while I was on it, and I felt as if the chemical had some antidepressant properties. I felt VERY short bouts of nausea a couple of times throughout (like for 1 second I would feel a bit nauseous then it would go away).

My girlfriend vomited a few hours into it, and I think mostly from the remaining drip. She was also complaining of a stomach ache, but I have no idea if that was due to ingestion or not. None of these things happened to me, maybe I have a stronger stomach.

I insufflated the chemical at around 9:00PM, and fell asleep comfortably at around 1:30AM - 2:00AM. It was a fun experience for me and my girlfriend both. It seemed that the chemical lasted about 4 hours or so.

I have never tried 5-MeO-DiPT (foxy methoxy), but from the reports I have read, it sounds like this is the compound whose effects come closest. I would recommend it not to someone looking to 'trip', but to someone looking for a more mild, enjoyable, and fun experience. I did not reach above a ++ the whole time. I definitely did not hit a +++. I had fun, and would do it again (though I would prefer a tryptamine that has more visual effects), but I would not pay to order more of it, it's not worth that much to me.

This chemical felt to me like the dose needed to be upped, like it wasn't high enough and we possibly were not feeling the FULL effects of this compound. I could be completely wrong, maybe these are the full desired effects with an ambiguous tryptamine like this...

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 58956
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 22, 2007Views: 12,983
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4-MeO-MiPT (404) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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