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This It...?
Citation:   GuineePig. "This It...?: An Experience with DOC (exp49856)". Mar 2, 2006.

2 hits oral DOC (blotter / tab)
12:02am: Two hits taken orally and held under toungue until 12:12am. It has a pungent taste not unlike that of 2ci. (the time will be started from 12:02am)

t +0:15: Movie 'Akira' started, hope I don't get freaked out by the insane visuals.

t +0:40: The begining of a stomach ache, nothing to bad though.

t +1:45: Strange body high, like that of acid or the begining of taking a pill of E. I feel strangely super connected with the movie 'Akira'. I feel shaky, though physically I'm not shaking at all.

t +2:30: The movie is over, it was freakishly intense. Watching that movie made me get way into it, I could feel the movie physically and emotionally. Now I'm watching things distort and I can 'feel' everything I want to. I don't think there's a reason to do somthing physically if I can relive it in my mind right now.

t +3:30: Visuals die down when I start to do activities like cooking. I wouldn't suggest watching TV on DOC. While doing it I start to question the worlds own future. Stick with the weather channel...the weather doesn't have opinions about world future and nuclear dominance.

t +5:08: Physical sensations have dropped to near nothing, I'm not sure if it's too hot in this room or to cold.

t +6:00: The visuals have died down a lot. The body high has dropped a lot as well. I still have a strange physical view on reality which is similar to coming up on shrooms or LSD.

t +7:12: Minor headache. Started in the front now moved to back. The visuals have severely decreased. Body high is non-existent. Music is still intense. A freind of mine said he was getting very good CEV's. I wouldn't catagorize them as good, but they're there. Another thing I notice is it takes time for the distortion to kick in, meaning I have to look at something for a few seconds before it starts to go.

t +9:15: Pretty much all of the drugs effects have worn off. There are slight visual deistortions but nothing to get glad about. No body high. Music still is very intense. No CEV's. There is still some strange thing going on with reality, and it's still hard to walk around perfectly strait.

t +11:54: No visuals, no body high, no CEV's. Still feel slightly 'off'.

Retrospect. I tried this alone in the safety of my home. (I am an experienced psychedelic user.) During the beginning while watching news it was very hard to not think negative. If I did do DOC again, I would try more. I tried this on an empty stomach to make sure but did not get the effects I was expecting...

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 49856
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 2, 2006Views: 15,950
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DOC (357) : General (1), Alone (16)

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