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A Close Call
Damiana & Alcohol - Hard
Citation:   Anonymous. "A Close Call: An Experience with Damiana & Alcohol - Hard (exp49462)". Jun 18, 2006.

3 shots oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
      Damiana (ground / crushed)
K to start of I just recently tried salvia 20X extract and was really hit hard so I want to try something milder. My friend recommended that I smoke damiana leaf powder. So I went to the local health food store and picked up 500g of damiana leaf for about $12.00 when I got home I set up my surroundings and was feeling really good about myself I grabbed my coffee grinder and shredded all the leaf till it was powdery ended up with about 20gs of powder I turned off the lights so only my TV was one I sat down and packed a full bowl into my water bong, the smoke came so fast and it was really white it tasted quite good.

I sat back and started to feel my legs and arms go numb my heart started to beat faster and faster I slowed it down by remembering it was the drug and breathing slower then it hit hard I started to drool so I decide to go to sleep the next day I went to the alcohol store and bought a mickey of everclear(95% grain alcohol)when I got back home I don't know why but I added all the 19 and a half grams of damiana powder to the everclear shook it for about 3 min then it was a green like absinth I sat down and was vary happy because it look good.

So I turned on some music oh yea it was about 2:30pm after I turned on the music I sat at my kitchen table and drank 3 shots strait it was harsh I could not breath for a sec because of the high alcohol fumes 2 min later I got a bad head rush then I started to see my old dog it was weird he died two years ago all of a sudden like 20 of my friends surrounded me and started giggling at me then I think I passed out when I woke up it was 2:00 pm again I was really dizzy still but at that point I could not recall any thing I got up and turned on the TV and realized I had been out for two days on my floor overall it was fun to try but I would not do it again it.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 49462
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 18, 2006Views: 18,452
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Damiana (107), Alcohol - Hard (198) : Alone (16), Combinations (3)

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