Overall Weird Experience
Citation:   Vdogg. "Overall Weird Experience: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (exp46289)". Erowid.org. Dec 26, 2007. erowid.org/exp/46289

T+ 0:00
250 mg oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:00 1 glass oral Caffeine (liquid)
  T+ 0:45 100 mg oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:45 1 glass oral Caffeine (liquid)
  T+ 1:30 100 mg oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
T+00 Ingested 250 mg of diphenhydramine washed down with a redbull to counter any sleepiness effects. This is the highest dose I have taken, the previous was 125mg. My body weight is 180, I may take a little more in an hour if I don't get many effects.

T+15 Not feeling anything yet, I'm going to listen some music and relax until the drug takes effect.

T+30 A slight stoned feeling is coming over me, it is difficult to describe, kind of like taking a few hits of pot. Sounds are different and my vision is a little 'off'. I'm also going to go smoke a cigarette to see if it has any effect.

T+45 The drug is starting to take it's effect, my motor skills are slowing down and my entire body feels like it's being weighed down by an invisible force like I'm really really stoned. When I look round the room I see weird streaks or dots out of the corner of my eye. I am still very much coherent however. I’m going to take 2 more pills to make it 350mg total. I am taking them down with a second red bull, my state is definitely slightly altered. It feels so good to just sit down and relax it is very diffcult to move, just likewhen you're really stoned and you just want to sit on the couch. It is hard to think straight.

T+60 Starting to feel somewhat stoned, and having mild hallucinations such as when I look at the wall it twirls around, this is very similar to what happens to me when I'm tripping on shrooms. My body feels so heavy, all in all so far the experience has been ok, my body just feels like it's numb. I have also felt this feeling with pot or painkillers. Motor skills WAY off, walking is hard and I just want to sit here and relax. Getting kind of drowsy, and tired.

T+70m The drugs effects are definitely kicking in. I feel very stoned just like marijuana. Auditory hallucinations such as my dad calling my name even though he isn’t in the country. Hearing weird things like a car engine, or just random sounds like crickets chirping etc. This is exactly how I feel on pot, minus the visuals. Mild visuals such as things crossing my field of vision, seeing something move out of the corner of my eye. I hear weird sounds and they make me jump like my reaction is delayed. It is becoming difficult to type however I will continue. Going to smoke another cigarette.

T+90 Frequent auditory hallucinations of random things. I went outside to smoke a cigarette and I saw a man walking, but it turned out to be a stop sign. The trip however is somewhat mild right now. I am decently alert and able to thing straight, however I must concentrate on what ever I'm doing. I am listening to music and it seems that I am listening to parts of it, that I never paid attention to before. I am going to take 2 more pills so it’s 450 mg total.

T+120 Things are getting pretty strange; I look at an object and it morphs into something else then changes back in a split second. Lots of auditory hallucinations, just random things like people talking who aren’t there, not many visuals only ones like I described above. It is becoming very difficult to concentrate and I keep forgetting what I was going to say or do. Hard to know which sounds are real and which are just hallucinations, actually it very difficult to do this. The trip feels pretty good; a feeling of warmth is all over my body. I don’t feel happy or sad, just content.

It seems as if time is going by slowly and the moderate stoned feeling is continuing. Things also continue to keep darting out of the corner of my eye and what I look at them they just disappear. I feel as if I’m in that half dreaming half awake type of consciousness. I am remembering things that I long forgot. Music is much more intense. I focus on something in the music that I have never paid attention to, and the same goes for ordinary objects. I feel as if my hearing and seeing are out of synch with the world.

T+150, Still messed up on this drug, lots of auditory hallucinations and a few visuals. Just feeling very stoned, sluggish exactly like marijuana. With the sounds it is almost impossible to distinguish with is real and which isn’t.

Y+180 I am still feeling the drugs effects, however I am becoming more alert like it is wearing off. I keep forgetting to do certain things, like I want to change the music, then I forget for 10 minutes. The auditory sounds are so real I find myself answering if they call name. Overall weird experience, not many visuals but lots of strange random sounds, or people talking to you but not really being there. The trip is just very strange, I went to get a coke from the frig, then brought it back when I looked down in my hand it was gone. I could have swore I had in my hand, or it may just be another hallucination. Feeling really sleepy, this is the last of my writing for today.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 46289
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 26, 2007Views: 29,228
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