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Hot Energy
Turbina corymbosa
Citation:   Ololiuqui. "Hot Energy: An Experience with Turbina corymbosa (exp44279)". Jul 23, 2007.

12 seeds oral Turbina corymbosa (tea)
Used water extractions, 12 seeds smashed with a hammer. Remains of half (6) in 1.5 oz water for 8.5 hours. The other six were added for the last 2 hours. Frequent agitation, about every 20 minutes. Water was filtered in coffee filter and drunk. Seed remains were masticated and swallowed. I had done a test with a single seed a few days earlier to confirm no fungicide present.

Within a few seconds the same kind of dull headache electrical feeling as from the single seed came on. 5-10 minutes into it a rush of hot energy went through me, maybe from fear. After that I laid down expecting some visionary phenomena. There were almost no visuals at all. The most suprising thing I experienced was about 45 minutes into it I heard what sounded like a loud hand clap on the right side of my body. Other than that, the dull ache, almost like a 10% migraine behind the eyes, lasting for hours, is not the type of experience I would want in trying for 20-30 seeds.

My past experiences with Ayauascha were much more visual and pleasant than this.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 44279
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 23, 2007Views: 16,265
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Turbina corymbosa (116) : First Times (2), Health Problems (27), General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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