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Relaxed and Warm Feeling
Citation:   VeryEmotionalDude. "Relaxed and Warm Feeling: An Experience with 5-HTP (exp42020)". Nov 4, 2011.

200 mg oral Tryptophan - 5-HTP (daily)
I came online looking for natural ways to treat my depression, the side effect of SSRIs were horrible and they did nothing. I tried many different prescriptions maybe 6-7. I came across 5-htp so I decided go down to the local pharmacy. It was expensive 20$ for 45pills. I got home a friend was waiting for me at my house who is also suffering from depression we decided to take 4 htps each (200mg) and one vitamin.

Thirty minutes later I felt a little light headed/tired and went to sleep. I woke up that morning I knew something was different I didn't wake up tired and lethargic but energized ready to run a friggin mile. A friend came over we decided to go to the store I noticed the birds chirping and the sunlight, which made me happy. I said 'is this really how non depressed people feel everyday' he said 'I remember feeling like this a long time ago'. I got home, as I stepped in the door all of a sudden I felt relaxed with a warm feeling in my chest you know the home sweet home feeling? The whole day pretty much went on like that. Its been about a week now since I started taking 5-htp (200mg a day) and I know I will remember these feelings if I go back into depression it will give me more motivation to get better and after this is over I will be a better person.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 42020
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 4, 2011Views: 18,798
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Tryptophan (138) : Health Benefits (32), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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