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Just at the Threshold
by WJG
Citation:   WJG. "Just at the Threshold: An Experience with Kratom (exp41900)". Aug 22, 2018.

6 g oral Kratom (liquid)
Six grams of of dried leaf were steeped in a covered pan for 30 minutes in a solution of 8 oz. of water and 2 oz. of lemon juice. This was then poured and pressed in a kitchen strainer and the juice set aside. The kratom was steeped again for 30 minutes in 5 oz. water and 1 oz. lemon juice. After pressing out the juice in the strainer again, it was combined with the first extract and set aside to cool in the refrigerator (approx. one hour).

A preliminary sip of the mixture proved to be both bitter (from the kratom) and tart/acid (from the lemon juice). Two tablespoons of Splenda (sucralose) were added to make it a bit more palatable. The mixture was consumed on an empty stomach. No physical activity was engaged in and visual distractions (TV, etc.) were avoided in order to try and notice when the kratom would take effect (if at all.) At approximately 35 minutes after ingestion, while sitting on a couch engaged in light convesation, I became aware of a vague lightness or numbness in my limbs that dissapeared upon movement but returned when the body again became motionless. This sensation was duly noted and although it did not feel as though it was the result of anticipatory desire, it was too vague to precisely ascribe to the kratom. Conversation was resumed.

At 50 minutes, the sensations were much more pronounced. My body felt both light and full. This persisted both at rest and with movement. Over the next 45 minutes this sensation continued to gain in amplitude and was accompanied by a feeling of warmth that filled the body. The sensations reached a peak about 2 1/2 hours after ingestion and decreased at about the same rate over the next 2 hours.

At all times during the experience I remained lucid and conversationally attentive, although at the peak, I found myself prone to silently following associative trains of thought well out of the topic of conversation.

The sensations experienced during this trial felt very much like very mild opiate experience or a vague echo of morphine. A subjective conclusion would be that this dose was enjoyable, but opened a door that never quite got crossed.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 41900
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 22, 2018Views: 1,137
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Kratom (203) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Personal Preparation (45), General (1)

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