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Citation:   experimentor. "Artificial: An Experience with Modafinil (exp40808)". Feb 8, 2016.

100 mg oral Modafinil
I had been interested in trying modafinil mostly out of curiousity, and was interested to see if it really could provide psychostimulation without euphoria and without the comedown and hangover associated with other psychostimulants like cocaine and speed. Now, I enjoy euphoria as much as the next person, but if modafinil could provide just enhanced concentration, just that ability to lose yourself in the moment of whatever you may be doing, then the drug may be worth using on a regular basis.

I've tried modafinil twice, once when very tired and sleep-deprived and once when pretty well-rested. When I had been tired, I definitely noticed becoming more alert after the modafinil, but the effect seemed artificial. The alertness seemed to be fighting the fatigue, rather then preventing the feeling in the first place (as do cocaine and even caffeine, for example). Maybe this was because the dose was too low, or maybe it's related to the fact that modafinil and the dopaminergic drugs seem to work by different mechanisms on the brain.

Both times I tried it, modifinil increased my ability to concentrate, but barely as well as caffeine, and certainly nothing like amphetamine or cocaine. Motivation and drive to accomplish things that had been on my mind (mostly reading for work) did not seem to be increased at the time, but as I look back now, it strikes me that I DID in fact do more reading/work than I had in long time. I just didn't enjoy the reading/work and get into it like I wanted to. It was sort of a foreign feeling, an unenjoyable concentration.
It was sort of a foreign feeling, an unenjoyable concentration.
Again, it felt like the modafinil was working on top of my inherent lack of motivation/lack of ability to concentrate, rather than addressing the problem at its source. It's as though modafinil is working more on the motor end of the sequences of brain events that produce psychostimulation (compared to drugs like amphetamine, ritalin, etc), and so I have to miss the good feelings that are usually associated with producing increased motivation/concentration/etc.

In summary, I probably like being on modafinil better than not being on it, and even though there's been no comedown or hangover, to me it's not worth the money/effort to use it regularly. Unfortunately cocaine/amphetamine/etc do have comedowns and hangovers...

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 40808
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 8, 2016Views: 3,564
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Modafinil (217) : General (1), Workplace (51)

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