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The Curious Puffing
Citation:   Captain Mancan. "The Curious Puffing: An Experience with Clonidine (exp40488)". May 24, 2006.

0.2 mg oral Pharms - Clonidine (daily)
Well Here I was smoking 9 cigs a day for a month or so as well as 2 cuban cigars a day. And I never got a nicotine craving EVER. So I could smoke as much as I wanted and I never needed another one. Hmm weird I said to my self. So I thought it was just me. But after awhile I was getting really curious as to why I never wanted another?. So I decided it had to be one of my medications. (nolva, Clonidine, or some kind of shitty anti-inflamitory similiar to celabrex.)

So I asked my doctor friend to find out more for me. And found out its also used as Heroin, and nicotine withdrawl. Hmm I thought this still shouldn't make me immune to cravings. But as it turned out I ran out of clon for about a month or 2 and didn't get the time to get more clon. And gues what happened? Yes I got addicted to nicotine almost instantly.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 40488
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 24, 2006Views: 21,180
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Pharms - Clonidine (344) : Medical Use (47), Alone (16)

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