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Best 3 Hours Ever
Citation:   Goatman88. "Best 3 Hours Ever: An Experience with Kratom (exp39579)". Feb 5, 2005.

0.5 oz oral Kratom (tea)
I got 2 oz. of Kratom dried crushed leave from a friend through the mail. I had never before heard of this plant until he told me all about it and I researched it myself. I decided to take some. I made a tea using 1/2 oz. of Kratom.

I drank it at 3:45 pm and it tasted VERY VERY horrible. I could only manage to finish half the cup. About 20 minutes later I felt like I was floating. I couldnt feel my legs. I felt as if I wasn't even there. I decided to listen to some music (the Beatles). It sounded unlike any music I had ever heard. It was undescribable. Every beat flowed through my body as I layed down on my bed. I felt like I would just float away. I went outside about an hour after drinking the tea and ran down the street faster than I had ever run before. I felt like I was running up into the sky. I came back in and played a game on my computer. It was as if I was inside the game. The high was great and lasted a good 3 hours before I finally came down. I will definately try Kratom again. I felt no ill effects from Kratom especially since it was my first drug.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 39579
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 5, 2005Views: 38,129
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Kratom (203) : Alone (16), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2)

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