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Complete Body Stone, Moderate Mental Disorientation
Codeine & Cannabis
Citation:   Dilemma. "Complete Body Stone, Moderate Mental Disorientation: An Experience with Codeine & Cannabis (exp38550)". Erowid.org. Dec 4, 2004. erowid.org/exp/38550

T+ 0:00
1 shot oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
  T+ 1:30   oral Codeine (extract)
  T+ 2:45 0.35 g smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 0:59   oral Caffeine  
The following report has two parts. The first is a semi-detailed report on the extraction process from T3's. The second is a report of the set, setting, effects and interactions.

Codeine Extraction- Part 1

Codeine, with inherent caffeine, was extracted from 8 Tylenol 3's and dosed. The affects of cannabis were then imposed on the experience.

Methods and materials:
Eight Tylenol 3s, which contain 300/30/15 of acetaminophen, codeine and caffeine, respectively, were crushed. Using the bottom of a glass shot glass the crushed powder was pummeled to a finer consistency, close to flour. This powder was added to 35ml of warm filtered water at approximately 50 degrees Celsius. This was allowed to cool to room temperature naturally, after which it was cooled to 0 degrees Celsius in the freezer. Soem ice crystals had formed in the liquid. The resulting solution was stirred, then filtered through a tea strainer, and subsequently a coffee filter. All remaining solids caught by the coffee filter and tea strainer were submerged in 10 ml of warm water. This was cooled to 8 degrees Celsius and filtered through the above method. All combined filtered liquid was placed on an evaporation plate and left for 48 hours to dry in a slightly dark, open closet. Sharp crystals surrounded by sticky residue formed on evaporation of the water. The crystalline powder was scraped off with a short, blunt knife.

The collected product appeared slightly off-white, and weighed approximately 800mg. A scanned picture was going to be included, but I worry the light beam from the scanner may degrade the product. Product was stored in a sealed baggy, protected from light in a shoebox.

Sources of Error:
Possible sources of error included residual codeine bound to the solids filtered (Acetaminophen). Further washes might be a suggestion. An innovation could be preparing the original crushed powder in a coffee filter packet, so it could easily be removed and placed in fresh extraction water. Some loss occurred when scraping the crystals off the sticky residue, as the crystals broke forth and jumped as the blade scraped across. Also, minimal amounts of powder were left clinging to some residue that was left on the evaporation plate. Another source would be warming the water to above 30 degrees, and cooling it past about 10 degrees. These should be controlled more carefully next time, being careful not to freeze the liquid.

Original ingredients: 2400mg Acetaminophen, 240 mg Codeine, 240mg Caffeine

Expected Extraction: 250mg Acetaminophen, 200mg Codeine, 200mg Caffeine, 150mg corn starch and other crap

The Experience -Part 2

Set: Feeling positive, with no worries on my mind. No major responsibilities or concerns. Expecting to have some euphoria, perhaps visual hallucinations. Expecting to get quite sleepy once the cannabis hits. Took 200mg codeine powder with grapefruit pop. Had one alcohol beverage with gin about an hour and a half ago. Any alcohol is not recommended, but I figured a small ounce would aid in digestion of the codeine. Dinner was a tuna salad sandwich right before the drink.

Setting: My house, completely alone in the evening, around 9 o clock. Listening to some Psy-trance (Infected mushroom, Aphex Twins). It is warm in the house.

Dose: Took all of dose at once with some pop. Going to smoke some Cannabis when my peak hits. T = time of dosage.

T: Initial effects were a placebo induced rush one minute in. A slight feeling of 'something' happening. Very mild. At this point, with the dosage method, im expecting to hit peak in about half an hour to an hour.

T+15min: Still feeling some placebo rush. Feels like a nervous energy wave sparking in my stomach. The feeling that 'something' is happening is getting stronger. The music is starting to infuse me with energy and motivation. I remember my girlfriend said she needed some sewing done on her shirt, and for some crazy reason i feel like i can do it. I sew up the broken strap on her night gown with a needle and thread. I hope no one is laughing at me, or calling me the codeine sewing machine or something. The aforementioned placebo effects have subsided and I am now awaiting the disorientation that hits when the codeine peak shows up.

T+30 min: Taking another gulp of soda, I peer at the pieces of a broken Cannabis bud. It’s a good potent strain, as most are here in Canada. Smells slightly piney/skunky. I ask myself, 'Do I want it rolled into a joint for an enjoyable experience, or smoke it through the pipe for efficiency.' Seeing as how I'm experimenting solo (not recommended; but I'm exp. with codeine), I choose to use the pipe, so i don't waste any smoke. I just packed the pipe, its bowl is almost full. Quite a bit of weed for one person, and it should react quite synergistically with the codeine.

Walking around, I still can't feel the main effects of the codeine, which is strange due to the relatively empty stomach and the dosage with pop. I do, however, feel the 'something' in my stomach. It feels a bit like nervous energy.

I am now feeling an almost psychic energy in the back of my head. Its making me feel quietly confident and excited, curious. I feel like something strange is going to be happening, and that I’m going to like it. This feeling isn't particularly strong, and it seems to ebb and flow in waves. I'm going to go check the weather outside for my smoking session soon...

Its about -2C outside, not too bad for late November. Getting up to walk brings a slight rush. The energy feeling in my mid-section is slowly growing and rising to my lower chest. Very slight disorientation is taking place, but typing is still relatively easy. The music is adding an exciting pace to compete with the beats of my heart. I feel sociable, and that several inhibitions have melted away, which draws comparisons to my reactions to 2-3 alcoholic drinks.

T+45min: After every rush of energy, it disappears and I feel as if nothing is happening. I question the quality of my extraction, then the rush comes back and I kick myself. This reaction certainly is strange. I really want to smoke the bowl now, as I have a feeling it will catalyze the narcotic reaction in my brain. I stare at things, ponder other things, and read about even more things. There is a slight energetic presence still tickling my belly, and I feel its creep into my biceps and upper thighs. I wait, and do some stretches to enhance blood flow. Nothing changes in regards to my experience.

T+60min: Its been roughly an hour, and the codeine 'flow' has seemed to stay at the same level. I was definitely expecting to feel something sooner and stronger then where I am at now. I am not disappointed, however, as this is just an experience study. I am wondering how much, if any, the Cannabis will affect my writing, thinking high. I decide it is time to go smoke, so I prepare my things.

T+75min, T': I sat outside and smoked the weed, herein referred to as T'.
Smoking the bowl is enjoyable, and I almost cuddle with the pipe. I feel so warm, comfortable and happy, even though I am sitting on a pillow on my porch in the cold. I finish with the pipe, and blow out the ash. The bowl seemed to last for half an hour. Getting up seems hard, and my legs are feeling weak.

Now I am feeling extremely saturated with the effects of a combination of codeine and cannabis. I feel almost too blasted to type, with the sedating effects of the codeine coming on heavier than before. The music from my Sony stereo headphones seems much better then when sober, with higher range and depth. I decide to wear headphones instead of listening through the computer speakers. There is an extreme depth and feeling to this beat (one of Infected Mushrooms live mixes). I can barely dissociate the affects of the two substances on my mind and body. They almost seem to just meet in the middle. I am noticing vision anomalies, but that’s probably because the room is only lit by the light from my computer, and its dark. Thoughts are racing through my head, then being gently set aside by the sedating action of the opiate. My body sways as the beats from the phones pump into my grey matter.

I would like to mention at this point that this is not a formal paper in the fact that there are no direct controls on this experiment. Most, if not all the affects from both of these substances are purely subjective. This is intended to be a single persons experiences with the combination of two drugs, which can be highly unpredictable. I've done codeine at this level before, but due to the variance in extraction efficiency I'm not certain my dosage was as pure as suggested. Another factor that comes to mind is that the caffeine present in my codeine extraction is impacting my system additionally.

T+105min, T'+30min: I go and lay down, finding it hard to type and enjoy the complexities of this state at the same time. Listening to music has proven to be an intense experience. I will go now and listen to beats as I fall asleep and record the rest tomorrow.

The next day I woke up feeling very alive this morning. I still felt as though I was under the influence of something, but it felt quite nice. I was reasonably tired today, but I felt good and trippy. Last night, all I remember before signing off was laying in my girlfriends bed (she wasn’t home). It was the softest bed I’d ever felt, and I was listening to music on my headphones. I was exceptionally tired, and any attempt at directing my thoughts was impossible. My mind fluttered over hundreds of subjects in my mind, but focus was negligible. I eventually fell asleep within half an hour, and had an undisturbed sleep. When I woke I set my alarm ahead an hour because I felt pretty bushed.

My first conclusion is that the codeine extraction I performed was flawed to some degree. I’ve experienced codeine faster and harder then what I felt last night. I’ve not, however, built up any tolerance, so I expected a much harder body stone. I’m guessing, due to the errors mentioned in the extraction section, that my codeine yield was considerably less then 200mg, possibly even less than 150mg.

My second conclusion is that the cannabis high was too overwhelming to distinguish the codeine’s effect on my body. I am an occasional weed smoker, and its not very often I will blaze a bowl all to myself. A possible correction to my procedure would be to make sure I have enough codeine to take two doses; one to establish a baseline effect that standardizes the extraction, the other dose to monitor the effects with cannabis.

My third conclusion is that there were too many variables at play in this experiment. The Codeine amount, cannabis strength and caffeine inclusion were all variable and unknown. No baseline standards were in place for any of these drugs. This experiment is basically to educate someone who has no experience with combinations with the effects.

Overall, I would think that my experience was 80% driven by the cannabis, with about 20% of the total effects influenced by the codeine. My initial hypothesis was a guess of about 50/50. Euphoria was noticed, but it was not overwhelmingly noticeable. To sum up this trip in a sentence, I would say, “A complete body stone with moderate mental disorientation.”

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 38550
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 4, 2004Views: 63,465
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Codeine (14), Cannabis (1) : Preparation / Recipes (30), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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