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It Was Fun Then FUCKED Up
H.B. Woodrose
Citation:   Baby Woodrose seeds. "It Was Fun Then FUCKED Up: An Experience with H.B. Woodrose (exp35869)". May 27, 2019.

1 seed oral H.B. Woodrose (seeds)
  2 seeds oral H.B. Woodrose (seeds)
  7 seeds oral H.B. Woodrose (seeds)
Well, this was my first time experiencing the magical seeds. I took the 1st one around 7:30. Then I decided to call my friend C Man and tell him that our seeds have came in from hawaii. Then I took the 2nd one when I hung up. When he got here around 9PM I was already pretty messed up. When he got here he took 5 and sucked on the chewed up seeds for about 5 min then washed them down with some iced tea.

Around 10PM I took my 9th seed and he took his 8th. I actually think that these seeds are better than LSD. Because after I get about an hour or 2 into the trip I can control it, also I can actually sleep when I'm on it. Lol if I fall asleep I will have some pretty wicked dreams. I've done a shit load of DXM and the 4th plateau is nothing compared to these seeds. We listened to trace concerts from a websiteand the music went well with the trip.

Around 12PM it really hit us we were Fried. We started to trip out on everything. When I'm Fucked up on LSD or LSA the craziest shit to do is to look at someone elses face and stare at them. Some freaky shit happens to their faces. It was crazy from 12-3 its all a little blurry but we both were seeing shit everywhere. We both were having out of body experiences and thought that God was holding us in his arms. We both threwup around 1AM. When I threw up in my trash can my vomit turned into little gremlins and started to attack each other lol.

Around 2Am C man cracked and started to lose it and broke into a cold sweat. Lol then he started pissing in my bed for some reason so I hit his ass in the ribs. Then around 2:30 he started to piss in my trash can but I was like what the hell atleast its not my bed. I was thinking how do you like that you little fucking gremlins. Around 3 we started triping by looking at each other again. Then I think we went to bed cause its all blurry from there.

Then only thing that I didnt like about the trip was that the next day I felt like I was dieing I didnt feel like eating any thing but I did want to drink it was weird. I felt poisoned. I really dont feel like typing anymore cause me a C man just ate 3 again so FUCK OFF and let me trip again. So cya they are bad ass little seeds.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 35869
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 27, 2019Views: 1,036
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