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At Bedtime
Citation:   happychappy. "At Bedtime: An Experience with Dihydrocodeine (exp33919)". Dec 19, 2006.

180 mg oral Pharms - Dihydrocodeine
Ever since I heard that Codeine came ultimately from opium I have always sought painkillers that contain poppy happiness.

I Got hold of some Dihydrocodeine tabs (30mg) and took 6 (180mg) before bedtime and waited for the effects. The effects were a long time coming and it was about two hours into the night before I felt anything.

Numbness in the hands, chest and around my face was nice. It was hard for me to move my fingers. My heart slowed right down, and then became shallow and rapid and then slow again. When the drug peaked my brain felt like it was made of sugar for a moment, and I felt nice and warm.

One thing it did not do was make me sleepy. I didn't sleep very well during the whole night. The next morning I felt quite good, and throughout the day I felt calm and relaxed. This drug seems to have a positive hangover, but I did have a slight headache which is only to be expected.

Next time I would take it during a night out or during the day, because of the fact that it kept me awake. I would like to try 300mg in the company of others, and a far lesser dose with some alcohol, I would not go any stronger than that. I liked it because with these drugs I know what I'm getting, chemist grade stuff, so I can be safer, and thats what its all about. Stay safe kids.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 33919
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 19, 2006Views: 30,197
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Pharms - Dihydrocodeine (392) : First Times (2), General (1), Alone (16)

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