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Swept up into This Sea of Infinite Greatness
Morning Glory
Citation:   Sidula. "Swept up into This Sea of Infinite Greatness: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp33271)". Dec 26, 2006.

3.2 g oral Morning Glory (seeds)
I decided to try Morning Glory seeds on a Saturday night. I was with some friends, but they were uninterested in tripping that night, and none of them were too interested in trying Morning Glory. I had three packets of 1.8 g each that I had picked up a few weeks earlier. A friend had assured me that the brand I bought, Heavenly Blue from Wal-Mart Gardens, was not poison-coated. Apparently some companies cover the seeds in a non-fatal toxic substance to deter people from ingesting them. My friend also told me that about six packets of seeds was a light dose. He had one extra package, so I decided to make due with four and see how well it went.

My friend told me to crush the seeds because the stomach couldn't digest the coating, so I spent a good amount of time grinding them with a spoon before chewing them up and eating them. Then I went to go see a movie (The Triplettes of Belleville, which seems like it would be an awesome movie to watch while tripping, but really wasn't). After about 10 minutes, I started to feel *extremely* nauseous. This lasted for about two hours. I was afraid that if I moved I would throw up, but when I went to the bathroom to puke I couldn't bring anything up, so I spent a while lying on a friend's couch feeling absolutely miserable. I've since been told that either soaking the seeds in Everclear or putting them through a coffee grinder with water removes the toxins that cause the nausea, but I haven't tried this.

The nausea ended rather suddenly. After that I felt almost no sickness and was completely free to enjoy the experience. I spent perhaps an hour watching Family Guy while cuddling with a friend. I didn't really feel like I was tripping at that point unless something weird happened, and at that point I would get slightly confused and disturbed, but the feeling would go away quickly. I also noticed that my feet felt very, very interesting, and I kept rubbing them together. This tactile aspect of the trip returned later.

After some of my friends left, I decided that I would much rather be outside. It was about 30 degrees Fahrenheit outside, but when I left the building the first time I didn't really notice. There was frost on the grass on a huge field in the middle of the campus I live on. It was night, and the frost was reflecting the streetlights beautifully. It was probably about midnight at this point, and I live in a small town, so I could see tons of stars--or at least it seemed like tons of them. I was stunned by how amazingly infinite the sky looked. I ran into a friend of mine who was going out drinking, and when we parted I joked that I was going to find god. He asked me if I was close, and I told him no, but he wished me luck anyway.

A set of train tracks run through campus, and I started walking along these away from the town. There is one point on the tracks when you're leaving campus and the streetlights end, and past that point it was extremely dark. While rationally I knew that I was simply walking away from campus and there was nothing extraordinary about what was going on, on another level I felt like I was walking out of the land of the living and into the land of the dead. My focus on the worlds of life and death continued throughout most of my trip.

I managed to walk while looking up almost the entire time, in complete awe of the sky. I started whispering to myself, and I was trying to wrap my brain around the concept of infinity. I began to understand that the overwhelming expanse of the infinite was God, and in relation to that I was zero, but as nothing I was swept up into this sea of infinite greatness. Despite the fact that I am not a Christian, it occurred to me that this kind of connection to the divine was what Christ must have experienced, the only difference between us being that I would be unenlightened by morning.

After walking for what seemed like a good amount of time, I went through a grove of trees. At first I was somewhat intimidated by them, but I managed to convince myself that they were in fact protecting me. I started associating walking through the embankments on either side of the track with being reborn.

I could see a street lamp far ahead. I had no idea what was there. While I knew this wasn't true on a physical level, I associated this lamp with finally completing my journey through death and being reborn on the other side. I was associating my experience with various Celtic myths. This was somewhat frightening, but I was aware that the danger was not real, and I was too intrigued at this point to turn back. That was when I saw two figures walking along the train tracks in my direction. Realistically, I still knew that they were just people, probably taking a walk like myself, but on the level of the trip I believed that they were sent from the Land of the Dead to take me back where I belonged. I turned around immediately and walked very quickly back in the direction of campus. As soon as I reached the road on the edge of the college, I left the railroad tracks, believing that I would be safe at that point. I had begun to associate the train tracks with an existence between the two states of living and death. After I had calmed down a bit, I started walking in the other direction along the tracks, but I didn't leave campus, and soon after left the tracks again.

At this point I considered walking back to my dorm, but I was intrigued by the possibility offered by an archway that led off campus and into town. Again, I associated this with a separation between the living and the dead, despite the fact that I was fully aware that this was still simply my normal environment. I walked through the archway and along the empty streets for a while. It's a quiet town, and there were almost no lights on in any houses. I walked around some crossroads for a while in a pool of light from a streetlamp, just looking at my surroundings and contemplating the town as the underworld.

At this point I did decide to go back to town. On the way back I remembered the interesting sensations I had been getting from my feet and decided to experiment with the tactile aspect of the trip. I walked past a small tree and started rubbing a branch. It did indeed feel amazingly interesting. I spend probably a few minutes like that until I saw someone else, and decided it would look really odd to be standing around rubbing a tree branch. Then I realized that the other person was my friend returning from the bar. He asked what time it was, at which point I realized that I had only been gone for about an hour (perhaps two, I don't remember). We both thought that a much longer period of time had passed (he was stoned, so I'm not surprised that he also had an inaccurate perception of time). He asked how my trip was going, and I told him about some parts of what I had experienced along the railroad tracks.

At that point, the revelatory spiritual part of my trip seemed to be over, and this part of my trip was just fun and interesting. When I took my shoes off I realized that my feet still felt very cool. My friend was very accommodating and pet my feet for my for a bit, and also allowed me to feel his hands. Basically, everything felt extremely interesting. I had great amounts of fun with this. I also began to think of my feet as sentient creatures whom I had neglected and should really pay more attention to. They were very friendly feet, and I spent a while communicating with my feet in my head and telling my friend what they were telling me. He agreed that they were very friendly feet and spoke to them for a bit. For a while, I wandered around my dorm just feeling the walls. At one point I ran into another friend. When I explained the situation to her, she gave me a look like I was insane and went back to bed.

At this point I asked my friend to go back to the train tracks with me. He agreed and went to get a jacket. After we went outside, I was suddenly very aware of how cold it was, and said that we should go back. He agreed to go back with me (though he was slightly baffled by my inconsistency), but I ended up getting sidetracked by the giant tree outside of our dorms. When sober, this is an awesome fucking tree. In my state of mind, I began associating this tree with Celtic myth about the World Tree that leads to the upper and lower worlds, and the Nordic myth where Odin (I think) is given the runes by the God of Knowledge after hanging upside down from a tree for some long period of time. It's been a long time since I've heard that myth, so I'm not sure it's accurate.

I began walking around the tree feeling the bark, and telling my friend about these myths. Then I started to link these myths with the thoughts I had been having earlier. In a meditation in a Shamanism book I read a few years ago, the shaman is supposed to go inside the world tree and climb a stairway to the Upper World. But since I obviously couldn't get inside this tree physically, I tried to explain how, since the universe is infinite and one thing divided by infinity is zero, and so therefore both the tree and I were zero, our physical locations are really at the same point because when you set zero equal to zero information is lost, so I really already was inside the tree, and we were the same thing, and since the universe is an infinite circle, every point is the center. At this point my friend decided that I had lost it and it was just the drugs talking, and we went back inside.

Back on our dorm floor, my friend retrieved some toys he had brought from home that he thought would be fun to play with while tripping. The toys that were visual, like some kind of reflective disk that created cool refracting patterns when you spin it, had basically no effect on me. The silly putty was really fun to play with though.

I decided that it might be fun to take a shower. The water, as everything, felt really neat. At that point I decided to go to bed because it would be nice to feel the sheets and the warmth and everything. I also put on some headphones and started playing Jimi Hendrix. The music sounded really amazing, like the best music in the world, and was really exciting. After a while I went to sleep. This was at about 4:00 in the morning.

I woke up the next day probably past noon. Physically I was very sore. I remembered that pretty much the entire time I was tripping I had been unable to unclench my jaw, and the other muscles in my body had probably been just as tense. However, mentally I was wide awake and started doing homework immediately. The soreness was gone by the next day.

I've used Morning Glory seeds once since then. I took three packets instead of four and experienced the same kind of nausea for two hours and was sore the next day. That trip was still mostly fun, but not nearly as incredible as the first.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 33271
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 26, 2006Views: 8,627
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Morning Glory (38) : First Times (2), Mystical Experiences (9), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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