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Calea zacatechichi
Citation:   iconocide. "Failure: An Experience with Calea zacatechichi (exp33060)". Oct 29, 2004.

    Calea zacatechichi
On Tuesday I prepared a mixture of Everclear (95% alcohol) and 1 gram of Calea. I use a crappy little postage scale - so by no means are my measurements accurate. I have tried this mixture before mixed with fruit juice. The taste is hardly worse than Jägermeister in juice. You just don’t want to swish the stuff in your mouth. The results are always disappointing. No apparent effect other than the alcohol.

Throughout the week I experimented with smoking the stuff before bed in increasing amounts, up to one fully packed bowl. I’m not a smoker, so that’s a lot for me to pull off. The most I feel that I got out of it was a touch of insomnia. It felt as though I’d drank a coffee too close to bedtime and had a hard time falling asleep. I can’t really say that my dreams were any more clear or memorable.

I thought if I combined the two techniques I just might get better results. On this particular day I had just been put on nightshift the day previous and still had not fully adjusted my sleep schedule. When I got home (Sat morning) I was quite tired and able to sleep soundly after this experiment. On a side note, I have been finding myself in a more spiritual place lately, dabbling in Shamanism and Kabbalah, and took the time to document some of my discoveries between smoking and drinking the Calea in the following schedule. By now my mixture had steeped in alcohol for about three days.

1:00 PM one Sobe Adrenaline* before work to get me going
8:00 PM a Monster low carb**
11:00 PM one soda*** with lunch

2:00 AM one soda***
4:30 AM smoked one bowl Calea (took 15 minutes to finish)
5:15 AM drank Calea/alcohol mixture in fruit juice as I ate half a sandwich
5:30 AM bed

Once again, I cannot say that my dreams were any more or less remarkable in any way. I felt a very mild buzz after smoking the bowl (less than one hit of weed). And of course the alcohol had its expected effect. But as I write this, I see that I was a walking cocktail of chemicals. Even though much of the herbals in the energy drinks should have worn off by that time, I have to wonder how much the alcohol and the caffeine may have interfered. I’d like to try the above scenario after fasting and either cooking out the alcohol or making a tea. Maybe upping the dosage to 2 or 3 grams in the juice.

*79mg caffeine, 250% B6, 100% B12, Taurine 1000mg, D-Ribose 500mg, L-Carnitine 250mg, Inositol 100mg, guarana 50mg, Panax Ginseng 25mg

** riboflavin 1.7mg; niacin 20mg; vitamin b6 2mg; vitamin b12 6mcg; taurine 1000mg; panax-ginseng 200mg; energy blend 2500mg (kind of ignorant of them to not let you know what you’re drinking, ain’t it?)

*** 25mg caffeine

Biographical data:
I am a male in my mid-30s obsessed with things metaphysical and esoteric. Many people consider the subconscious to be something like their appendix - a mostly useless curiousity tacked on to their psyche not really worth paying much attention to. In all I’ve discovered, I am beginning to wonder if it isn’t really more the other way around. That is, our waking selves are merely surface manifestations of a deep sea of unexplored self. I spend much of my time testing various means of diving the depths of this abyss. I am not a big fan of illegal substances, mainly because of testing at work and the inevitable legal hassles. However I have some experience with LSA, various species of mushroom, and the other usual suspects. I pay attention to my dreams and take care to listen to clues from my subconscious. I’ve wasted a *vast* amount of time with alcohol and I strongly recommend avoiding it altogether because I think it does little more than lobotomize the user and has little or no apparent spiritual value.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 33060
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 29, 2004Views: 12,807
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Calea zacatechichi (97) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Alone (16)

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