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Weird Ending........
Citation:   pyrodoll. "Weird Ending........: An Experience with Codeine (exp32644)". Mar 5, 2021.

  oral Codeine (liquid)
This was the first time that I had steped outside of pot and drinking. I started off in moderation, only taking as much as I saw nessecary to feel something. But after awhile, it just seemed like it was the right thing to do, so I continued to drink it until I had almost finished off 2 bottles. It had at the least a pleasent strawberry taste (at least in my opinion). After about 10-15 min. Later, I had this warm feeling rush over my body, and it seemed like it was a chore to move. Then I got this kind of lightheaded feeling. I was continuously staring off, and daydreaming. The only side effect that I could feel was a continuos itching around my neck and the back of my head. Other than that, I felt like I was in heaven. Nothing really mattered anymore.

I ended up having to take my dog out to pee; and for some reason I just ended up sitting in the middle of my yard for about 30 min. Staring at people walking by. My mother came home about 20 min. Later and I was still extremely high, and to my surprise I was pretty much acting like I normally do, just alittle more out of focus, and walking funny. We went to the grocery store, and every five seconds, (at least what it seemed) I was constantly getting agitated. It just seemed like everybody was out to piss me off. The thing is that just little things were getting to me. A few minutes later I got this extremely drowzy feeling, so I went home and laid down and fell asleep for about 5 hours. I kept half waking up every hour. At one point I turned my t.v. Off and the next time I came to I could hear it on, I looked up and it was off, it was like the t.v. Was on in my head...

After that, I started to hear this loud banging like someone was trying to break into my house; after that the yelling started. So I got up, and I walked around my house and everybody was sound asleep... Nobody else could hear it. I just kept reminding myself that it was all in my head.. Though I couldnt really figure out what was going on. I laid back down and feel asleep, after I figured out that nothing was happing. I had no side effects the next day...

I would have to say that it was definitly worth the side effects; and I would definitly do it again....

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 32644
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 5, 2021Views: 1,161
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Codeine (14) : General (1), First Times (2), Various (28)

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