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MDMA (Ecstasy) & Dreams
Citation:   CerberuS. "Sleep.exe: An Experience with MDMA (Ecstasy) & Dreams (exp32425)". Nov 16, 2007.

  oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
First, a little bit about me. I'm a 21 years old psychiatric nurse from Holland. I've been in a lot of drug induced alterned realities, but I like Xtc the most. I use it once every two months or more. Alone, with friend, GF, whatever. I take too much of the stuff, I guess a have a little drug problem. Anyway, on to the story.

The first time I tried a pill I got from my brother. I had a great time, but I went to bed because everybody else did. I thought the pill had stopped working after an hour or so, so I went to bed. Little did I know. I was still rolling hard when I went to bed, but I had no trouble falling asleep. As I started drifting away, I felt itchy and restless. I noticed my surroundings fade away, I could feel 'my body' falling asleep. I was asleep but in a different way. I started dreaming.

Suddenly I felt a huge pressing force on my chest. There was a really big piece of glass on top of me. It was only milimeters thick, but weighed a ton. It was slowly crushing me. I was desperate to escape, but I couldn't move. The glass itself was radiating terror. I could see right through it, but there it was, squeezing the life out of me and there's nothing I can do. Then it happens. I felt a force built up in me, like a fire that spread until it reached my fingers and my toes! I kicked my leg, and the piece of glass flew up in the air above me, flipping over and over in slow motion. The whole thing had a static Japanese cartoon feeling to it.

As the glass flew, it morphed into a glass surf/snow board. I jumped on and started surfing. I was on top of a huge mountain that was covered in thick jungle. I sliced through the age-old forest like it was only mist, reaching incredible speeds. It was amazing, I feeling of boundless power took hold of me. I kept flying and jumping and slicing. I parted cities and entire mountain ranges with my mighty glass board, that had first tried to squeeze me to death. My instrument of torment had become a tool of freedom.

I awoke in the middle of the night, feeling very happy and in awe of what I had just witnessed and felt. The dream had filled me with an overwhelming sence that everything was going to be okay. That dream was one of the most meaningful experiences I had in my life so far. It had great symbolic meaning about the life I'd been living for the last ten years. My father had been doing some very unfatherly things to me. This dream helped my find strength to close of a bad chapter. I still stands very clearly in my mind, 2 years later.

This morning I had a dream after I'd been rolling solo all night long, listening to trance and heavy metal, playing Unreal Tournament 2004 and watching some porn. This one was no fun at all, it was pretty awful. I was floating in cyberspace. It was filled with some kind of computer icons. Like folder icons, I guess. I was floating, looking for the icons containing to program 'Sleep.exe' 'Rest.doc' and 'Relaxation.dat'. But all I could find where folders containing all kinds of other documents. It was very tiresome. The harder I looked, the more tired I got, I just wanted to sleep, damnit. This dreaming business was wearing my out, instead of making me rested.

Finally I found the folder I was looking for, and tried opening it. Guess what, I got an almost infinite amount of popups. Screen after screen after screen of warnings and advertisement filled the universe around me. I had to click every single 'OK' button to get to the files I needed to 'fall asleep'. I got through all the popups, and felt like I had run a couple of marathons. One final button appeared labeled 'download'. I confirmed, and got a 10% completed message. Then 11%, 12%. And then nothing. I was waiting for it to download, but it was getting clear to me that I would have to try another folder.

I woke up sweating and more tired then when I had gone to bed at 7 am. I guess I should wait a little longer next time before I go to sleep. I don't have this problem after parties, because the trip back home usually clears me up.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 32425
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 16, 2007Views: 10,722
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Dreams (85) : Relationships (44), General (1), Not Applicable (38)

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