Lucidity's Lingering Afterglow
Citation:   Andy Else. "Lucidity's Lingering Afterglow: An Experience with Melatonin (exp29500)". Jun 21, 2007.

3.0 mg oral Melatonin (pill / tablet)
I find one pill (3 mgs) to almost be too much. It produces a near psychedelic glow to the mind, in my opinion feeling almost like a narcotic version of shrooms. As I drift off into sleep the first stages start as a very wakeable sleep and slowly go into a lucid state where reality and the dream state feel inseparable. When I awake I feel groggy and am prone to want to stay in bed (this wears off early in the day).

Interestingly enough, I find that even without the supplement my dreams for the next couple days are more vivid, and often times just one pill one night will create a week long philosophical mind fuck of dreams. That is the best way to describe it. Once the night comes I feel like I'm living just to dream (very de-personalizing, almost similar to how I would feel the week after stopping pot smoking after months of binge use.)

I will use the substance again but sparsely for I find 'hangover' if I should call to be a bit much, so can it's night time de-personalizing effects.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 29500
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 21, 2007Views: 9,592
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Melatonin (94), Dreams (85) : General (1), Alone (16)

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